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Everything posted by the_blackswan

  1. Hi I'm with Spectrum and have been with them since Sept 2007. Yes they do charge ~£1500 in three monthly instalments before they begon sorting you out and they also charge £30 a month for sending your money to the various creditors and generally managing all the paperwork. Is it worth it? For for us. A resounding yes. I was £50,000 in debt. Yes the creditors do hassle you for a while and tell you that you got have got your finances sorted for free with the citizens advice bureau. It's true but as a long distance commuter with a full time job i just didn't have the time. Spectrum have been brilliant they have negiotiated managable payments with all of the companies invlved and now (after six months of them phoning me up with meaningless threats) I don't get any phonecalls any more. They have been so reassuaring everytime i have called them. And know just how to deal with the creditors and what i should say to them when they call. conclusion: So if you really can't handle the stress or haven't got the time to, then use their service. If you are super organised and have got the time, then do it via the citizens advice bureau for free. Hope that helps.
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