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Everything posted by miketw10

  1. Just been reading the FAQ's and it says that I can access my Statements online. Well, I'd done that already and saved them all to one big Excel file. Has anyone else gone down this route? If so, how do you go about it? I just reckon it would save so much time and trouble (And £20 )
  2. Thanks MC... I'll see if I can fire up the old scanner... But I'm a bit confused about your statement regarding the 12+2 days thing. I was under the impression that they had to send you the agreement back within that time limit or they would default on trying to claim it back... i.e. Not at all??? What do I then do about the other 2 DCA's? I'm getting more confused now
  3. Can anyone point me in the direction of the Template Letter for when a DCA take too long to send back the original agreement? Moorcroft took 51 days, so I subsequently ignored their harrasing phone calls. Now I've got 2 other DCA's after the same debt. ARC have sent me a copy of the agreement and it only took them 10 days. I read on another thread that it's not allowed, while it's in default with another company, and I just can't find the relevant template letter...
  4. PT... Can you confirm that this only applies to similar agreements from 2005 onwards? My own agreement is from 2002, which on another (similar) thread states that this only applies to post-2005 agreements. Surely the same rules should apply whenever the agreement was taken out???
  5. That's basically it, yes. I read earlier that the rules were different from 2005 on:-|
  6. Oh that's OK. I didn't start getting into trouble with them until a good few years later, thanks
  7. My agreement states the same... "Credit Agreement" rather than "Credit card Agreement". It also has the "Approved Limit" bit too. Unfortunately mine is dated 2002. Does this mean I don't have a prayer, and the above doesn't apply?
  8. I eventually got the CCA from Moorcroft dated 28/11/08, which I calculate to be 51 days from my initial letter. Since then I have had numerous phone calls from said DCA harassing me, at home and at work. How they got my work number I'll never know. However, I never answered any of their calls except one at work asking them to stop calling me at work. I asked how they got my work number to which the reply was "It's the number we've always used". Not the answer I was after, because I've never given my work number to them. I also unwittingly answered a home call, just after I returned from a funeral of a colleague, when I wasn't in the best of moods. Unfortunately I lost my temper and gave them a few expletives. In the meantime, I have had 2 other DCA's write to me demanding payment. One of them has even got their solicitor to threaten me with court action. I CCA'd them this morning. There's a few unlawful charges on the Egg statements but I'm wondering if it's worth pursuing them. This is now starting to get to me, and I do admit it's wearing me down. I am now earning even less than what I did when they defaulted me. I've never tried to avoid paying, but tried to get an agreement going with Egg, which they declined. As soon as they defaulted me it went straight to Moorcroft which only served to get my back up Surely there's got to be something wrong when 3 different companies are after the same debt??? Oh, and for the record, the C/C was first taken out in 2002.
  9. Are you saying that I should go ahead and have discussions/communication with Moorcroft, even though they haven't proved that they are legally entitled to do so? I didn't send a CCA request to Egg, because I'm not contesting the contract with Egg. I sent them a S.A.R, and to date I haven't heard anything from them. I understood that the process was that when Egg send me the details I ask for, I read through them and pick out the unlawful charges, which I list and send back to reclaim. That's all I'm waiting for... I'm not denying I have a bill to pay. Just the amount and who to pay it to.
  10. Thanks for the reply Mistermind. Does this mean that I should ignore them or send them a letter reminding them that the clock is still ticking? I seem to remember seeing a thread like that. Speaking of which, today is the 12th day.
  11. Got a letter from Moorcroft yesterday saying, "We are continuing to seek to obtain a copy of the Consumer Credit Agreement that you have requested. Our systems provide for reviews to be sent to our client on a regular basis and this we are continuing to do. I will contact you again just as soon as the agreement has been made available to ourselves and confirm that at this stage the account has been placed on hold and that we will not seek to enforce the debt until such time as the agreement is obtained. In the meantime however,we believe that it may be of assistance to all parties if we also take this opportunity to ensure that any potential areas of dispute are addressed prior to any possible court action or further investigation. Please could you give an indication of the information you will be providing, when giving evidence to the court or providing information to the relevant stautory authorities in relation to the alleged subject matter of the account. Please could you provide this information by return. We belive hat this is a simple request that will assist in ensuring that all possible areas of dispute are identified as quickly as possible and potential costs and delays kept to a minimum level" Am I right in thinking that this means they don't have a CCA for my account? If not, what next? And why do they keep harping on about court action when I never mentioned it in my CCA request to them?
  12. Right, now that I've sent my first S.A.R in to Egg (Egg thread) I'm now inspired enough to get started on my Lloyds claim. Mind you, it's going to take a bit of work with the amount of charges they've placed on my accounts. I feel like I'm being ripped off by the bank, ripped off by the CC companies, ripped off by the energy companies, and the final straw was that I got ripped off by a garage when I took my car in to be repaired. It's now time to fight back! Is there anything new or relevant I will need to know due to the current financial climate?
  13. Well that's easy... Even HE doesn't call as often now that I'm skint! That's me just back from the P.O. The deed is done! Anyone reckon I should call Moorcroft and explain that I am not trying to avoid paying, just making sure that what I will be agreeing to a correct total amount. After all, it's due to Egg's intransigence, coupled with their unlawful charges that put me in this position in the first place. Or do I just sit back and wait???? Anyway, now that's out of the way, I can try and summon up the energy to resurrect my claim from LloydsTSB.... Now that'll be a big one!
  14. Funnily enough, it was 2004 I took out the account with Egg. Thanks for that info. No I just want to CCA Moorcroft for two reasons; 1. To make sure they are entitled to collect a debt from me 2. In order to call them off until such time as I can ascertain exactly how much I owe them. I don't want to be coerced into paying too much each month the way I was the last time. Remember I am now paying Moorcroft a fair bit for the loan from Egg too. You caught me there just as I was about to leave for the Post Office. Which is good, because just re-reading my CCA request, I realise I've got my home phone number on it. No point sending them that if I don't want them calling me.
  15. Thanks for your reply Mistermind... Although I just want to clarify... Are you saying that I should go ahead and pay Moorcroft? Even though I intend to dispute the amount that should be payable to them? I have no intention of refusing. Indeed, I have even tried to make an offer of payment to Egg on 2 seperate occasions, but because this involved them freezing the interest, of which they were making a nice tidy sum from me, they weren't interested. Do I send CCA's to both companies initially? Or do I send a CCA to Moorcroft and a SAR to Egg? I just need to know what to do first in order to call off the dogs before their deadline...
  16. Forgive my ignorance, but I've seen this before on another thread. Can you tell me why this is important?
  17. As I'm quite new to this, I'd appreciate any help anyone can offer as I'm now starting to panic. I appreciate it gets complicated, but bear with me. I have/had 2 accounts with Egg - An Egg Loan and an Egg C/Card. They defaulted the loan a few months ago and passed it on to Moorcroft who sent me a threatening letter. I panicked and phoned them agreeing to pay a certain amount every month. Last week they defaulted my Credit Card and this morning I received the threatening letter from Moorcroft saying " We have been instructed by Egg Banking PLC to collect your overdue debt of £5694.39", then going on to mention "Intended Litigation" and "Payment in full within 7 days" etc etc Now the thing is, that I was intending to start proceedings against Egg for unlawful charges, but they beat me to it! Am I too late? The other point is that I had twice called Egg to offer them a solution to the debt, but this involved switching from a Direct Debit to a Standing Order (My problem is that I get paid 4-weekly rather than monthly) and freezing the interest, but they weren't interested, and told me that they could extend my credit limit. I told them I wasn't interested in any more debt and asked if they had been listening to anything I had been saying about my circumstances. I'm afraid that's where the conversation ended. Really disappointed in myself that I didn't make a note of the exact dates. Anyway, what I'm looking for is a timeline of what to do first. I have until 11 Oct to respond to Moorcroft.
  18. Thanks Martin... But just so that we're clear, the 2 Lloyds accounts that I will be trying to claim from are current accounts. 1 Classic and 1 Platinum. The arrangements I have are with credit card companies in an attempt to pay what I can per month. (You know the scenario... Bank not paying Direct Debits and charging me for the privelege, then reaping the rewards next pay day when I can't make the payments again) The debts I have will have to wait until such time as I can focus my attention on them. Although, I had a good read in the 'Debt' section last night. This is why I said that it's a bit like a jigsaw, and where best to start. A brief history is as follows... From about last September, Lloyds cut me no slack whatsoever. They just bounced DDs willy-nilly and left me high and dry. All of my Credit Cards were up to their limit so I couldn't rely on that any more. I spent the best part of last December and January trying to get a consolidation loan, but no-one wants to know. I then spent the next couple of months trying to get a new current account so that I could attempt to treat Lloyds the way they've been treating me... Again, no luck! No-one wants to know. I decided then that I had to fight them from within. Luckily my wife has a Nationwide current account, so I got her to arrange for her Part-time wages to be paid into that account. This would take care of food shopping etc, and I would deal with the bills etc through the existing Lloyds a/cs. This is when I made arrangements to pay off what I could with a couple of C/C companies, (who ae basically doing the same to me) and also cancelled a few Direct Debits that weren't being paid, but still costing me £30 each. This means I can now focus my attention on reclaiming what is rightfully mine and is the reason I am in the trouble that I'm in. I still retain my sense of humour, but sometimes it really gets you down! I guess what I really need is a Plan of Action. Sort of like, "This is where you start..." and "This is what you do next...", so any contributions gratefully accepted!
  19. Wow! That was quick! Thanks for starting my thread too! What I can say I've done is to initially download the CSV statements from my online accounts going back as far as June 2002. I'm currently in the process of transferring them to one Spreadsheet. I have 2 accounts with LloydsTSB and for the last few years I have constantly been accruing overdraft charges on both. I reckon I have at least £5,000 on each of them to claim back, and that's not counting interest either. Due to the fact that my company is now cutting out the overtime, belts have to be tightened and I've been looking at ways to save money. I've had to make arrangements with a few Credit Card companies, and my sights are now set on reclaiming unlawful bank charges. My initial question is... Do I claim them seperately? I'm almost sure they're both going to be over £5,000 so small claims won't come into it. This is where I'm getting confused, because it all looks so complicated to get started, which is why I've been putting it off...
  20. Hi all... Been a member for just over a week now but not been able to post from steam-driven computer at work. I've been promising myself to reclaim from LloydsTSB for a while now, but the recent OFT ruling has made me more determined to fit the big jigsaw together and get it done once and for all. Right now, I need to get studying and caught up on a fair few posts here to give me an idea where to start!
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