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Everything posted by user2006

  1. Hi all, New to the forum but was wondering if people can clarify where i stand ATM. 12+2days have passed since requesting the CCA from MBNA (virgin CC) i have had no reponce at all. I can see from others that MBNA seem to take a long time in replying, usually just over their given time frame. In my initial letter i requested the CCA under S.78. is it worth waiting another week or should i send them a reminder letter on Monday? is there a template for this? Also i have a payment with them due on wednesday. Should i pay it? Thanks in advance guys... Have a good weekend .....
  2. Hi, I was just wondering if there was an updated template letter (CCA request 1974) The one in the main template letter section dates back to 2006. Thank you in advance.
  3. Hi Captainbob, i was just wondering why would you consider paying a reduced payment on the Unenforceable contracts>? Clearly These guys clearly don't care about your current hardship.
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