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Everything posted by Liberty59

  1. What would you think of the following. Please give an example of what you think represents each of them? Goth Black clothes; black hair; pale skin as if they're scared of the sun; serious looking (does not often smile); Chav Essex boy/girl; trashy; dresses top to toe in designer gear, usually burberry - that might be knock-off; maybe "stella"; alco-pop drinker; oversize gold jewellery; faker -it's all about labels and money - no soul. Townie steers clear of wellies and muddy fields; often pays £2+ for coffee rather than 90p at the 'caff'; unlikely to know or socialise with neighbours - unless they have have lived in same house for 30 years; has fab kitchen but never cooks in it; Skater wears a hoodie and denim; dirty, unwashed, greasy hair; teenage boy that spends most of the day outdoors; is daring and loves the thrill of danger; knows 'his' way to his nearest a&e Do you think people judge teenagers by the way they look without knowing what they are really like? Of course. But people judge people by the way they look too. And teenagers are poorly portrayed in the media. So if a "gang" of teenagers get on the train, passengers often look away for fear of inciting conflict Hope this is helpful X
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