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Everything posted by marikasj

  1. No, I am really grateful that the post got moved to the right place, I was being cranky about being told my post didn't make sense, sorry.
  2. Thanks for replying, I've been to Frustration City and remember only too well how terrifying it is. I couldn't relax at all because on a deep level I knew I wasn't in control of my body, it was either doing or not doing things all of its own accord and how are we meant to cope with being strangers in our own skin? All we want are answers, all we get are waiting times. I truly hope the answers are coming up for you and the solutions to go with them. Maybe for you there is something neurological astray but it doesn't mean that one expert has all the answers, sometimes you a more holistic, thinking outside of the box view and I hope 'the system' is flexible enough to find that for you. Wishing you the fastest and best way forward, Marika
  3. Face getting redder by the minute, I meant to ask Saintly 1 where my original thread had been moved to?
  4. Getting the credit agreement back actually made me look in the really scary file that I had avoided and I found that it contained the ccj from 2005 and the assignation from one dca to another. I am not sure BCA are aware there is already a ccj (unpaid) in the file which is why I haven't requested an S.A.R - (Subject Access Request), I don't want to wake them up to that fact! Hence the original question, can they get a new judgement on the same debt or do they not need to? Thanks.
  5. I am clearly s*** at this but have posted a reply to your earlier post re time in the world of the neurological, Marikasj
  6. Hey, I', the bad tempered, tearful muppet with Multiple Sclerosis, are you in the awful no mans land known as no diagnosis/no answers? an apologetic Marikasj
  7. Sorry I posted in the wrong place, I did say I am a newbie. Others seem to have understood my post. Its this simple, i had a debt, dca took me to court and was awarded judgement, I didn't pay so they assigned the debt elsewhere, I CCA'd the new dca and they sent my copy of original credit agreement. I'm frightened about what happens next. Cheers for making me feel a bigger fool. Marikasj
  8. Oh yeah, oops, newbie or what, so sorry guys, this is meant to be the relaxing bit! Marikasj
  9. Please can you help a newbie poster? I CCA'd Buchanan Clerk and Wells having read some excellent material on this website and they sadly found my original credit agreement but over a month and a half later! I now realise that this £346 pound debt (Evans - GE Capital Bank) includes a £90 court fee from when a different dca obtained a CCJ against me a couple of years ago. I quite probably stupidly also ignored the Court Order ( I was coming to terms with a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis) and made no payments toward this debt but I need to know if they can use this existing order against me or if they would have to try again? A carer of mine had phoned the previous DCA and explained the circumstances I was in at the time and they were really nice and said not to worry, I just needed to return the paperwork to them, which i did and they then went ahead with the court case without me, I just got the result in the post! I do recall then having a deed of assignation to Aktiv Kapital but have been chased by CBC (as above) on behalf of Thames Credit but the letter enclosing my copy of the credit agreement sent last week, said they had found my Aktiv Documents. Aktiv Kapital and Thames Credit both share the same address listed at Companies House and the address is Wells House although BCW actually have a Glasgow address so thats nice and clear for starters ! So much for Office of Fair Trading Debt Collection Guidelines I am worried they will either use the pre-existing CCJ against me as I understand that they too can be assigned or push for bankruptcy? Please can you help as the birds and I are sharing the dawn on a regular basis but they are the only ones singing! Thanks you so much, Marikasj:-?
  10. Please can you help a newbie poster? I CCA'd Buchanan Clerk and Wells and they sadly found my original credit agreement but over a month and a half later. I now realise that this £346 pound debt (Evans - GE Capital Bank) includes a £90 court fee from when a different dca obtained a CCJ against me a couple of years ago. I quite probably stupidly also ignored the Court Order ( I was coming to terms with a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis) and made no payments toward this debt but I need to know if they can use this existing order against me or if they would have to try again? A carer of mine had phoned the previous DCA and explained the circumstances I was in at the time and they were really nice and said not to worry, I just needed to return the paperwork to them, which i did and they then went ahead with the court case without me, I just got the result in the post! I don't recall having a new deed of assignation to this lot now but I am worried they will either use the pre-existing CCJ against me or push for bankruptcy? Please can you help?
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