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  1. Hopefully someone who can help a bit more will be along soon but try not to worry in the mean time
  2. Thankyou for your help, I shall ring the bailiff company in the morning and also the council and then see where I have to go from there. The council have previously said that they won't accept the debt back but we are paying our rent arrears from before our housing benefit got sorted from my husbands benefits so do you think they'll let us do the same with the council tax now?
  3. I'm still not completely clued up on all this but from what I've read today the bailiffs cannot seize your car if you use it for work purposes.
  4. Sorry i'm still a little confused here! If the bailiffs turn up do I just refuse to hand over the car keys to them? Can we still use the car then being as it says at the bottom of the notice of seizure that the car has been impounded and is now in the custody of the law and do we need to move the car somewhere else before the bailiff comes round?
  5. Do you think that they would've written the reg. no on the notice if they'd asked a neighbour who the car belonged to rather than contacting the dvla?
  6. I didn't think they could take the car as it is not in my name but they have written a reg no on the notice
  7. The debt for the council tax is in my name, well my maiden name and the car is in my husbands so it is in no way mine for them to take and can we move the car when it says on the notice of seizure that we cannot move it as it is now in the custody of the law!
  8. The car isn't actually mine it is my husbands so where do they stand on taking it?
  9. The bailiffs have never been in my house and I have not signed a walking possession agreement. Also our car is parked on a shared drive which is used by all four flats that surround it, including ours, there are 2 cars on the other side of the drive and only ours on our side as the people upstairs don't own one. Will the bailiffs have been to one of our neighbours to see who the car belongs to or will they have just guessed it's our car being as it is parked on our side when it could've belonged to the upstairs neighbours? I'm really worried that they will be back tomorrow or friday and tow the car away although I don't intend to hand the keys over! Can I withhold them?
  10. Hello. Please, Please, Please, I need some help I have been dealing with bailiffs due to council tax for some time now. I have never let them in and last time they came they threatened to get me arrested if I didn't let them in which I still didn't. I've told them that i've been to citizens advice and they might aswell pass the debt back to the council as i'm not paying them anything. They came round earlier today and we ignored them while they stood knocking for a good 10mins and they posted a Notice of Seizure of Goods and Inventory saying if I didn't pay the debt off in full within one day of todays date then they would seize our car! Can they do this???
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