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  1. hello everyone, Im new to this site and my first time posting. I have been reading through the treads for advice but as of yet havent found any relating to misold PPI (payment protection insurance). My situation is my husband is self employeed and was sold a PPI for his capital one credit card. he has had this insurance since taking out the card in 2001 I have sent them a letter stating that my husband is self employeed there for is not eligable for PPI, Capitol one have sent a letter back saying that he was sold his PPI over the phone and that all the terms and conditions were explained to him in brief over the phone they also say that they sent him a form to sign to confirm the PPI. I replied to there letter after reading various threads asking for copy of the telephone conversation and a copy of the form that my husband was supposed to have signed. they have replied back to me by saying that they are unable to provide me with a copy of either as they dont have them? which i found strange as i havent even cancelled the PPI yet, should i cancel this? can anybody please advise/help me with the next stage many thanks in advance Emma
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