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Posts posted by billywilder

  1. Right, Court went well. 

    Judge was lovely, and fair in my opinion.

    The judges thought process was first testing the legitimacy of removing the stay before anything else

    She looked through the bundle and concluded that it was a mess.

    She questioned why the stay had been implemented in the first place. No conclusion was reached about that from any party.

    She then questioned the length of time taken to apply to remove the stay

    The solicitors agent (sa) had no answers in his instruction.

    He offered to go and ring Leigh ONeill (LO) and get some answers and return.

    The judge pointed out that he had no powers to provide evidence which he conceded.

    I think that if LO had been present and had not given the judge a satisfactory answer to this question ( which is likely) then she would have struck the application out.

    As it was she made an order saying that Drydens have 14 days to provide a witness statement explaining why they left it so long before applying to lift the stay.

    I then have 14 days to respond. And we reattend to test if the stay can be lifted.

    It will be interesting to see if Drydens submit anything.

    They have made so many mistakes on the witness statement I can see now. Just checking other CPR sections that they are quoting has turned up a few.

    They ask for the Defence to be struck out pursuant to CPR 3.4 (2) (b)

    What it says is so not true as to be laughable

    The solicitors agent brought up that Leigh O'Neill had quoted CPR 3.9(1).

    The judge asked where and it turns out it is near the end.

    The judge wryly noted under her breath that it was hidden .   

    She then checked it and was incredulous that it was cited as a reason as it is to do with relief from sanctions.

    She kept reading it and quoting it and questioning it and SA had no answers.

    She was laughing at it all really .

    The judge was following this list when looking at removing the stay


    A claim will be automatically stayed under CPR r.15.11(1) where the claimant allows 6 months to pass from the end of the period for filing a defence,

    From this it is possible to discern that, when applying the test of ‘appropriateness’, Chief Master Marsh considered the following as some of the important factors in the balance:

    1. Whether the claimant had an adequate explanation for the delay;
    2. Whether the claimant’s claim has (at least) a real prospects of success;
    3. The defendant’s behaviour, and including his engagement with the court process, and whether any delay was caused by the defendant’s actions; 
    4. The nature and extent of any prejudice the defendant would suffer in the event that the stay is lifted;
    5. Whether any attempts were made by the claimant, within the 6 months, to ‘revive’ the claim. 

    I don't know if this exists anywhere in the legal procedures? 

    The judge thought so little of their application and application for costs that she asked me what my costs were.

    I didnt understand what she was getting at at the beginning and said I didnt have any,

    I caught on and then piped up with missing a day of work.

    She offered me half a day, asked how much it was and then said that I can apply to have that paid by Drydens.

    Certainly a good conclusion 

    Thank you everyone for your help. Especially dx and Andyorch. 

    Will see what happens next



    • Like 1
  2. Great. Thanks for the info.

    I have a supplementary witness statement back. very efficient she is, the litigator. Seeing as I sent it on Saturday. I'm quite impressed

    She says this however

    7.1 The Defendant’s claim that the Notice of Default (“NOD”) dated June 2016 is void is inaccurate. NOD’s can be issued after the Defendant has 4 months or more of arrears outstanding.

    The Defendant can stop the further consequences of the NOD if they either (1) pay the arrears accrued under the NOD, or (2) enter into deferment within 28 days of the Notice of Default.

    In 2007, the Defendant did one or both of these, preventing the account from terminating.

    For the purpose of clarity, Defendant’s can receive repeated NOD’s over the years.

    7.2 The Claimant has confirmed that the Defendant entered into Deferment on the following dates:
    • 25/04/2006 - 24/04/2007
    • 25/02/2008 - 24/02/2009
    • 25/02/2009-24/02/2010
    • 25/02/2010-24/02/2011
    • 25/02/2011 -24/02/2012
    • 25/02/2012-24/02/2013
    • 25/02/2013-24/02/2014
    • 25/02/2014-24/02/2015

    Which plays into my hands I think?

    I did not pay the arrears and the likelihood of me deferring within 28 days of the Notice of Default is slim as I only found out that I had the default when I applied for a mortgage and discovered that I was defaulted.

    I am just about to go through my file to find my deferment letters to clarify. 

    She offers no proof of the above deferments which surely casts enough question over whether we should go to trial?Supplementary Witness Statement and Supporting Documents redacted jpg merged.pdf

    Supplementary Witness Statement and Supporting Documents redacted jpg merged.pdf

  3. Fair enough. Looks like it might be an expensive mistake.

    Nurselayers case seemed to go well and their first WS was just a few points so I took hope from that. To answer every paragraph would have taken me too long. Like I say I would pay someone to have done it for me as it is well outside my understanding let alone skill set to execute. From the sounds of it their case took 100s of hours of reading and writing, and they lost at least a week of work to it. 

    I have probably in its entirety from 2006 when I first tried to fight this lost at least a week of work in time and again spent many 10s if not 100s of hours trying to understand and action what I gleaned to be what was needed from the help here. 

    This week it has already impacted my time with my kids massively and I havent been able to work at all. I know that this doesnt come across in the documents I have posted but like I say, it is something that takes me a long time and doesnt come out particularly well

    So to clarify if I lose then I will be deemed to owe the total amount that they are claiming in their original claim at least. And then if I dont pay it within a month then it will show up on my credit file? Can I arrange a payment plan?

    I am thinking to offer to clear my arrears of around £727.85 as I am making an offer and trying to avoid court.

    Also that is the only reason that according to 

    The Education (Student Loans) Regulations 1998

    12.  The lender will cancel the borrower’s liability to repay the loan if the borrower—

    is not behind on any repayments under any agreement for a student loan and—
    was under the age of 40 when his last agreement for a student loan was made and he reaches the age of 50 or when the last agreement for a student loan has been outstanding for not less than 25 years, whichever is the sooner.

    That the debt would not be written off unless the termination is upheld as I was under 40 in 1996 when my last loan was taken out.

    Has anyone got any ideas how I should go about offering to clear the arrears tomorrow.

    Do I write to Drydens and to the court?

  4. I understand it is the hands of the judge now, and that I shouldnt have left it so long. 

    I need to understand the potential outcomes

    Is worst case scenario

    The judge can decide that because my documents were late they lift the stay, find in Erudio/Drydens favour and pass SJ. I then am liable for the full amount that they are claiming for?

    I received a statement of costs today which comes to around £1k. How likely is this to be added on if this is the case?


  5. Right. Got a friend to go and dig out the deferment from 2014 and the Default from 2007 and send it to me .Going to send it all off today

    Can anyone link the legal documents that say that once you have been defaulted for a debt then you cant be defaulted again. Ive been through the CCA 1974 and cant find it. I'd like to make the argument a legal one so that it is stronger if possible.

    2014 Deferment agreement. Shows arrears of £727.85 so I think that makes the write off argument weak as it specifically says that writeoff only occurs with no arrears. Happy to be corrected

    The defult from 2007 is a mock up with explanation as to why. Looks weak knowing what I know now but is what it is. I didnt get the original which is why I was defaullted as I didnt live at that address. I will only include the Default notice I think for the court and not pages 4 and 5



    Defendants WS exhibits.pdf

  6. Hi. Yes it is poor. I didn't realise that I had left it so late. I tried to post the Claimant witness statement a couple of times. Failed and then got on with life. 

    I would like to say thank you firstly for your continued help with trying to get it sorted. I appreciate greatly that you are volunteers and give up your time and experience trying to help people to fight these issues. That is partly why I have tried to carry on fighting it for so long as I can see your distaste for the DCAs 

    With regards the witness statement.

    Sorry for the delay in replying. My kids have been off school this week with illness so I was with them all day yesterday until late. 

    I have tried to adapt a statement for days from that one posted mostly . It is so detailed and I don't have the timeline readily available of what happened to me and when.

    It seems I need to counteract each paragraph one by one with reference and timelines and I don't have the knowledge or understanding to know what I'm doing to write much at all I have found with trying. I have read and reread the threads that seem similar to mine but none have the same arguments and situations. 

    Maybe it is better just to post something quick in layman's terms just to provide a defence. I genuinely don't know what my defence is. I have been provided with all the documents. The agreements are legible if not badly. I signed them. They have provided assignation and termination letters.

    Reading other people's experience with judges they seem to rightly question the validity of the no documents argument if you knowingly signed the agreement and it is legible.

    I thought that because I was defaulted in 2006 by slc that it couldn't happen again but it appears that now that the account has been passed onto other companies that doesn't stand. 

    I thought that they had messed up by trying to default me on one agreement rather than two and that was going to be my defence but it appears that the issue there would be if they had referenced two defaults in their WS but only provided one.

    That seems to not be the case for me as they have assigned their own single  account number and are trying to default me on that. 

    I genuinely don't know what I am trying to say in my defence. The more I read over two days the less close I seemed to end up with answers until I realised that I'm not sure I could do it.

    I will quite happily pay someone to help me if that was an option. 

    I hoped that because the debt should be written off due to time that would be a defence. It appears that Dryden's have made it so that I have arrears now it.

    Having rung National debtline to try to understand things better and they said that it wouldn't be written off  because of this. 

    Even if I can just supply something simple if that would work I would go down that route but it seems the requirements are to do everything within the legal framework. 

    Thanks again and I really appreciate the time and experience that has been shared to help me. 

    I have a meeting/assessment this morning but will have another look at lunch time to see what I can do

    Bit of respite. Assessment cancelled. Looking at this now



    Just writing it now. Hope that it is accepted


    Notice of assignment 21/03/2014 shows
    xxxxxx as being issued at 20th November 1995 for £1385 and the balance as at 1st Jan 2014 as being £1999.88
    xxxxxx as being issued a t 10th October 1996 for £1645 and the balance as at 1st Jan 2014 as being £2305.78
    12th April 2019 Letter of Claim states
    xxxxxx as being issued at 14th November 1995 and the amount outstanding as being £1998.25
    xxxxxx as being issued at 4th October 1996 and the amount outstanding as being £2280.78
    Letter of Claim contains inaccuracies and is therefore invalid?
    Can I add this as its an added defence? It uses the evidence they've provided for the case

    N244A Court date 25 Oct 2023.pdf

  7. Having spent all day yesterday until late and starting early today reading around and trying to prepare to write my witness statement im realistically not much further on. I have missed the 7 day deadline which was today to email let alone post a witness statement and required documents. 

    What happens now?

    I assume with no defence the claimants wishes are met in court.

    From what I can see if I don't want another default against me I then have a month to clear the balance?  

    Am I able to make an offer to get them to write off the debt. Would have to be monthly amounts atm. Or I put it on a credit card. Was thinking about  £2k total. How does this sound?
  8. Ive been going through all the posts in order to construct my WS. I am trying to understand where I stand especially as I will poetentially have to go in front of a judge to explain my reasoning
    Can anyone clarify whether my loan qualifies to be written off under
    The Education (Student Loans) Regulations 1998
    as it states that you must not be behind on any repayments under any agreement for a student loan. 
    Is the view that we are now under different agreements since the assignment? 
    "is not behind on any repayments under any agreement for a student loan and—"
  9. Thank you DX for sorting through the pdf I posted. It is much appreciated.

    Ive been reading as much as I can today and am sorting what I can by tomorrow to send to them by email.

    I shouldnt have left it so long I know.

    Poor time management but I'll try to do my best to get a defense to them in time.

    From reading around my best argument seems to be that the default is invalid because it is only one for the assigned account number and I have not been sent two separate default notices for the original accounts?

    Is this correct? 

    I have looked at the included link but I dont understand it well enough to see how it dictates the need for a default for each separate agreement.

     I mentioned that I don't recollect receiving them and that there needed to be 3 copies of the default notice and termination notices, she said that only 1 copy needed to be served and asked me for the relevant CCA section for this, unfortunately I didn't know this, my fault not being adequately prepared, if it exists?

    Section 87 (1) CCA1974 


    Because my account should now have passed natural writeoff. How can I present this information to the court to hopefully end their claim and be done with it? I cant find any precedence of this.

    i cant ever see them winning with this

    What so I need to reply in order to reiterate this point. A lot of this is going well over my head.

    there is nothing new in their statement.

  10. Apologies for the delay in getting this posted. I have just been able to scan it well enough and found a pdf editing program to redact personal info. 

    I have been served an N244 notice with Drydens Fairfax litigating solicitor trying to remove the stay and have me defaulted again.

    Any advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.

    I enclose the first relevant documents.

    There is more of the documents I've been sent.

    Mostly copies of forms and documents that have allegedly been sent to me.

    I can enclose anything else that is required

    Redone file


    2023-07-31 Claimant N244 no dates time or £s.pdf

  11. There is a response to your open inquiry:


    Good afternoon, thank you for your message.. .


    I am sorry for the issues you are experiencing with your bill. I have reopened your complaint and your reference number is. You can view a copy of our complaints handling procedure on our website or, if you prefer, I can send you a copy free of charge. I am aiming to resolve your complaint by  but I will let you know if this changes.. .


    I have raised a dispute with Utility Point to have your opening meter readings corrected to run in line with your usage. The opening readings I have proposed are: . electricity. gas. . A revised bill will be issued once the dispute has been resolved but just to set your expectations, this process can take a few weeks.. .


    In the meantime, I have placed a hold on the account to prevent any further debt follow up.. . Your tariff was matched to our Standard (Variable) prices when you switched to us. These were our cheapest prices at the time of your switch and remains our cheapest available tariff, though the prices have increased since your switch in line with Ofgem's price cap.. .


    Please let me know what information you would like through your Data Subject Access Request and I will be happy to submit this for you.


    Please respond if you would like to continue the conversation.

  12. Thats a shame about the ombudsman being rubbish 😪

    Yes I was transferred in December from UP.


    I was with Utility Point for around a year and a half from Summer 2020. I started on a £50 dd which was about twice what my useage was and was told that I had to keep this for 3months. I didnt change it then and had ended up overpaying by about £500 by the time Utility Point transferred to EDF. 

    Stupidly I have no meter readings from my time with Utility Point or EDF until March this year. 

    Having submitted meter readings in March as Martin Money saving expert told us all to take readings EDF said that there was a bill due for £900 or so. They took the £500 I was in credit and now say that I owe them the additional £569 including usage up to now.


    It sounds like EDF are shafting many. Another example of this is when I checked my tariff in March as everyone was talking about the price rise  it appeared  that the tariff I was on was higher than the cap already and had been since January. It was supposed to have been on the most competitive.


    I think that even now I am on higher standing charges than the cap 

    I live in the house only half the time (every other week) as it is where my kids live. I live somewhere else for the other half of the time. I am also very frugal with energy usage, hardly having the heating on and switching off much of the electric or all of the electric when we are not there,  There must have been a mistake somewhere along the line 

    I take meter readings regularly now and this proves that my usage is minimal.


    Ideally I will get away from EDF and go with someone like Utilita who have no standing charge but high KW charge for first KW which will work well if I take readings at the correct time.


    Thanks for your help




  13. So it will just be a D and shouldnt impact renewing my mortgage etc?


    No I havent paid them anything else.


    I have been disputing the amount they are asking for several months and had expected to deal with their resolutions team to sort it out.


    I am billed monthly I think.


    Although it seems that they send me an updated bill every time that I update the meter readings.


    I am not there hardly and I often switch off the gas and electric when Im away also.


    Having a complaint number from EDF now, as I understand it, if it is not resolved then I can ask for the ombudsman to step in.


    They have so much of my money that I am actually expecting a refund from them

  14. Here is a screenshot of the email. 

    If I will get a default  tomorrow then I will pay the amount they think I owe and chase it for a refund. I thought that due process meant that they have to send everything by letter.


    They already have £500 or so extra from me that I dont think that I owe because I had overpaid so much from the previous supplier Utility Point that went bust before this that they took.


    I am billed monthly and havent paid anything since March as they already have more money than I think that I owe them.



    I will send them an SAR


    I will update the bigger picture as soon as I can




    Default EDF.pdf

  15. Part of a bigger problem that I will potentially ask about later.

    What I need to know before tomorrow and what my options are hopefully


    Can EDF issue a default having only informed me by email that this would happen, no post. The deadline is tomorrow.


    They believe that I owe them an amount that is in dispute. It and has been for months now. I have asked directly several times on their help channels if they are planning to issue a default still tomorrow if the disputed payment is not made and have had no reply.


    It is officially with their complaints department and I have a complaint no. 


    I was transferred from utility point to EDF in December.


    In March I updated my meter readings and was hit with a 900 or so bill. This will not be correct because I hardly use any gas or electric at all.


    I have been in the process of trying to resolve it for months and having been away with the kids for the summer have discovered that when they said that it would be passed to the disputes team there would be no attempt to resolve the issues I raised and instead they have threatened to issue a default,


    Thanks In advance.


    Sorry for the quick message I am working today and need to know where I stand before tomorrow .

    Deadline according to email was 28 days from 8th August.

    I have a reminder saying that the deadline is 8 days from 28th August.




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