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  1. you see this is what is confusing me. So are you saying that if i continue to pursue this with The Nationwide, I am likely to get my charges back despite them saying that because of the court case all refunds have been temporarily suspended?
  2. Yeah in the contract it states that I must be working on the day of payment, but surly because I was working over the period of which the bonus was calculated, it would extremely unfair for them to not pay up? If the bonus came 3 weeks earlier then yes I would have expected to receive it.
  3. cool good to know I've done the right thing at least thank you
  4. Jaime1986


    Ok so maybe I'm just reading the wrong bits. I have about £700-£800 of charges taken from The Nationwide which is slightly unfair I feel. So I wrote to them last year about November time and they duly wrote back to me saying that there is currently a court case going on so any claims for refunds have been suspended. Is this the case or is it that Nationwide are just being stubborn? Should I continue to pursue this or wait till the court case has come to a conclusion?
  5. Having worked at my job for 18 months, I left in September to go to University, two week before I my last pay day. This just happened to be also bonus pay day which I was expecting at least £1,000. Because I left the two weeks before bonus pay day the company said that I wouldnt be getting my bonus. I of course didnt find this very funny, so spoke with my team leader, then my manager, then HR and the manger HR and sent a lot of emails explaining that I really needed this for my university course. What gets me is that the bonus was calculated from the 6 months before the start of the financial year to the end of the financial year. So I had been working the whole time under the impression that i was to receive my bonus, with the bonus to be paid out in full in the following September. Is there anything I can do to maybe get that, what I am duly owed.
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