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  1. Thank you all for your replies. I live in rented accommodation where my rent covers utilities. Therefore I do not have utility bills. I note what people have written above, but there is a world of difference between "can" and "will". Yes, employers can accept other forms of ID, but whether they will or not is a different matter. So far I have found none that are willing to. The same goes for employment agencies.
  2. I am currently unemployed and want to work. Some time ago I lost all my ID in a house fire. Being on benefits I cannot afford to replace them. My bank account was closed as I could not afford to repay my overdraft out of my benefit. The only ID I have left is an old student card and letters from the Jobcentre. Unfortunately, neither is acceptable to employers to whom I have applied for work. I have asked the Jobcentre for help but they say there is nothing they can do. Can anyone advise me what I can do?
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