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  1. i keep getting phone calls n threats via letters from mackenzie hall they are rude on the phone they never make sence as they deny things they have said on previous calls was told a payment sceme was not an option but they accepted a card payment i was later told that this was a token payment and would not stop any action being brought against me just lower the account balance HELP not sure what to do do ii take my chance's in court or what?
  2. been getting letters n pone calls from mackenzie hall since oct 07 they are rude on the phone and the letters they send are basic threats when i tried to make re-payments (which were accepted by the way) was later told they were only token payments and were reducing the balance on my account not stopping further action (WTF) should i just let them take me to court and take my chance's there surly it would be better than getting threats on the phone and voicemail and dreading the postman coming please help
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