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  1. Hi All, No sign of a reply to the CCA, no sign of the promised visit either! Did receive a letter offering an approx 30% reduction of the debt, no more hassle from anyone and they will remove the default straight away if I pay now. Is this the ploy I think it is?
  2. Hi All, Thanks for the helpful advice it was greatly appreciated! The CCA request has been sent today, I will let you all know how it goes.
  3. Hi Curlyben, My default was entered in Apr 2002, my last payment was 2001, and the account was closed in 2004 by the credit card company, would this be time barred or does it go from when the account was closed? Many Thanx
  4. Hi All, I too am mighty relieved to have found this forum, I received a letter from these people recently saying I owed over £3000 on a debt to a credit card. I did have the said credit card, but in July 2001 I split up with my then partner and moved out, I paid off a lot of bills once the house was sold but I cant be sure this was one of them, but as I have heard nothing since and there was no CCJ on the account I forgot all about it. This contact with Ruthridge is the first I have heard, the charming gentleman explained that a default was put on my file in 2002, and of course uttered the "bankruptcy" line. I have to say that it was all pretty disturbing. I have sent off the "time barred letter" and now the CCA letter. Does the fact that the default was put on just less than 6 years ago stop it being time barred, or was it from the time I last made a payment in 2001? If it is proven that I do still owe the debt, which I will of course accept will have to be paid, can arrangements be made to pay by instalments? All advice gratefully received.
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