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Everything posted by Naja

  1. Thankyou for your replies . Basically the injury to my wrist can only be from the massaging and beaty treatments i have been doing . Ive been doing beauty for 5 years and have been in my current job for 9 months this month . I hav only been having problems since Christmas with my wrist hurting . I actually had no intention of claiming any kind of work related injury , all i wanted was for work to give me the time off to have the operation and then i would get back to work . I am aware that all carpal tunnnel operations are not succesful but you can argue this with any operation . It should in theory solve my problem . The talk of the receptionist job was part time wheras i am currently full time , i doubt the salary would be the same . I am shocked that i can be made out of a job because of all this . What do i do ?
  2. Hi I have been a beauty therapist now for over 5 years . I have been working at my current job for about 8 months . Just after Christmas i developed pains in my wrists , which has now been diagnosed as Carpal Tunnel for which i need an operation . Recovery time is between 4 - 8 weeks . Although initially i diidnt want the operation , i think i have no choice if i want it sorted . I have told work and , their initial reaction was to look to maybe re-position me in a different job within the company , cleaning and receptionist part time were mentioned !. I have trained hard to get where i am as a beauty therapist and this is not what i want so i have made it clear i wish to stay as a beaty therapist but i will need to have the operation . Although they have yet to come back properly to me , they are making noises about whether they can keep my job open or not if i have the operation , hence this is putting me in a pretty unpleasant and uncertain position . What are my rights re this ? , im thinking as the injury has arisen working for this company they have very little option but to let me have the operation and then get back to my job as soon as possible ? Am i right ? Can they actually put me out of a job because of this , or forcibly make me do something else within the company ? Many thanks
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