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Everything posted by Delta.Pete

  1. Hi Tawnyowl . I'm glad it worked out for you , after i had read the letter he put up , i thought that would work ,im glad for you ,youll have to ask rory32 about the charges situation not my department im sorry to say ,but glad is all well now . Bet thats alot of stress of your mind now ? All my Best Pete . PS ive got my ongoing saga with virgin.Media but a bit different ,im unable to email from any of my mobiles on virgin.Network plus the emails are all ending Virgin.net ,but ive never had any trouble in the past a couple of days ago im able to receive emails on my mobiles but not send weird or what ? Had all settings checked over and over and Virgin.Network think the problem lies with Virgin.Media ive no idea my Broadband is well slow but thats nothing new ,but my emailing via my Broadband is fine so im totally confused . Ive posted a couple a letters of plea on the forum but no helpers as of yet ! Shame
  2. Hi rory32. Well on the Sony W950i i get the message SMTP SERVER REFUSED TO ALLOW CONNECTION . if im correct its in capitals . But the Nokia233 goes of into well a continued process of : Sending email until either i or it has enough and its says unable to send . .Then the Sony W300i does a simply unable to send. But like ive said all of them have the settings confirmed and correct and they all are able to receive no problems what so ever ,talk about weird ! Plus this all happened on the Friday the 13th no should of though wouldn't you of thought ? Friday the 1.2.08 at about 10.30 to 11am and ever since then ive been unable to send out my emails via my mobiles. Ive driven out of the area hoping that it may of been a mast ,no luck there either . Thanks rory32 all help gratefully received as they say !
  3. To rory32 I must add im very impressed with your wording and the way the letter is laid out , if i continue to have this ongoing problem with virgin.net / virgin.Media that you kindly replied too ,id be most grateful for a letter such as this of coarse in a different subject completely . I hope you dont mind me giving you praise were its due ? Regards Delta.Pete PS you certainly know your stuff !
  4. Thank you rory32 your reply is most welcome ,funny you should say that ! I wrote to them only the other day but today i receive a phone call from a lady who gave me her first name ,and the name of her managers from Virgin.Mobile . She was very mmmm how do you say humble but she told me she has done everything possible with the advise of the technical team and have found out that all system are correct and there is no problem with the Mobile side of it ! She has now informed me that she will forward the emails i have sent to her to Virgin.Media oh no i told her that ive emailed them over 10 times and no replies ,she said she was very sorry and i said its not you its Virgin.Media, i asked her how long would it be before i hear from them and she replied she was unaware of there turn around time when it came to the emailing of the technical team . She went on to say thats they have looked at all possibilities with regard to there set up and cannot find any faults so they believe its a case of Virgin.Media being my email provider and the problem should lie with them . I dread to think how long this will drag on but at least ive one name the Managers of her department .All through the conversation it was sorry about that sorry about this but i said at least after nearly 72 hours ive spoken to a real voice . So now where do i go ? I ve never had any joy when it comes to Virgin.Media and im dreading every moment . I cannot still send out emails so no change there but am able to receive ,whilst i have you help and attention have you any idea why this is happening ? or heard of any case such as mine ? . I hope ive spaced out my typing some what like ive said all skills in that department have well nearly vanished ,so please excuse my typing and spacing too (paragraphs ) Thank you and Regards Pete .
  5. Hi To all im wondering if any people out there can assist im having problems with Virgin.Mobile and The dreaded Virgin.Media .I did write out a whole page but by mistake lost it so this is a copy of sorts from a blogsite ive pasted too also .Im trying to find out one how to get Virgin.Media to at least talk to me ive sent 10 emails and not one reply my Broadband emailing side of it is ok but not My Virgin.Mobile side of it im able to receive but still not able to send any help on this matter too id be most grateful . I hope you can understand it all its a bit garbled but i hope you will understand it all .Thank you for any help . I need Virgin .Mobile to either own up they have a fault plus get some form of communication going from Virgin .Media a longtime ago i sent the above some emails about a different issue and have never ever had a reply its not a case of them not getting them its a case of binning them or what ever else they do with them . I really need my mobile sorted out too so im able to email again from my mobile its my lifeline i brought the Sony w950i because of this and th stylus and im able to use that too ,what are they playing at has anyone else got Virgin.net and a virgin mobile and use emailing on there phones and had similar problems ? Id like advise too about how ican get Virgin.Mobile to own up its a fault there end there is no way its all my 3 mobiles and im not going down the road of settings if they were wrong id not be able to receive emails ,i know there is a slight difference but you get the idea i hope ,plus the last major problem Virgin.Media at least im on the £17.99 a month and not ited in but they keep trying to get me to try and sign up no way im not that silly ive never had such bad customer support ive never spoken to anyone ever and 10 emails later too ,What a dreadful company Big Thumbs Down to Virgin .Media and im not going to phone the 0906 number why should i waste my money any normal company would reply with in a day or so 4 days and not one reply useless .Below is a blogsite i put up this letter before i found your great site if your unhappy with Virgin.Media it may help to put up a letter as i have and many other have im not the owner or no of this gentleman but its worth a go they have taken note thats about it . Virgin Media Really Sucks : iain tait | crackunit.com Before i start excuse my typing and if there is any spelling mistakes the tablets the doctor gives me for my well how do i put it condition sounds great that but they don’t help alot so excuse any mistakes and lack of punctuation marks Well here goes my story , ive been with Virgin.Net for well as longtime and its getting worse though id rather be with anyone else but them .Ive 2 major problems on going, firstly my Virgin.Mobile for some very strange reason has all of a sudden stopped being able to send emails via my mobiles on there network in the last 3 days ive been unable to email out on my Sony w950i and my Nokia 6233 all the settings have been checked over and over again even my old Sony W300i has stopped being able to send emails ,i can receive but not send ive been everywhere Sonys Website virgins website you name it ive nearly done it ,but the settings have not changed over night or anything like that ,so this is where it starts . I have not forgotten Virgin Media i’ll get there ! So Virgin Mobile Uk told me to go to Sonys website and of coarse download the settings for my mobile i told them the settings were fine ,but no they said just in case anyway i go and do as i was told reluctantly i did this 3 times and my Nokia that is put away has always been able to email and send and receive so i thought id check that too and guess what that has stopped being able to send emails ive checked all the settings over and over i even did the ultimate and did a complete reinstall for my Sony w950i software did it help ? mmmmmm No so im still without my emailing on my mobiles and its driving me crazy i use my mobiles alot for this use so the next part Virgin.Mobile told me to go to VIRGIN MEDIA i thought no please not them i sent them a email along time ago and did i get a reply NO so ive sent them 10 emails in the last 3 to 4 days and you have guessed it not one reply ,my emailing from my Broadband is working fine so this is not the problem with that and its not a case of oh we have not received your emails ,thats no excuse i’m guessing its not my mobiles they cant all suddenly decide to mmm go faulty at the very same moment .But you have guessed it will they help no its a case of mmm not really our department try Virgin.Media if and when i ever get a reply i will let you know ive been promised a man will call from Virgin.Mobile technician’s department within the next 24 to 48 hours well its nearly 48 hours now and any phone call Nope ! Im reg disabled and my mobile is my lifeline i use it more than my computer and emailing well is like txting to some other to me ,that is why i got the Sony W950i and because it has a stylus that im able to use im not to ggof with keys on phones anyway ,ive had emailing services on my mobiles from well day one or two and all has been well ,so why has it suddenly come to a grinning halt ? The reason ive told you im disabled is not for pity its just because im trying to point out my mobile and emailing is well like my right foot ,i had a back operation over 4 years ago and it didn’t go as planned but i get on with life and after the shock and normal thoughts i got on with life i know my settings on my mobile like there back of my hand ive spent over £20.00 downloading settings from the advise of Virgin.Mobile but i moaned and moaned and i have had the £20.00 credited to my account it was mine anyway but i politely said thank you because thats the way ive been brought up and its polite i try sometimes ,but my letter ends on the note that VIRGIN .MEDIA have still not replied to one of my emails and im not going to phone 0906 ——– and waste my money when they should have clearly replied by now i knew this would happen and i was right ,what they do with peoples emails is well beyond me ,ive even threaten to contact BBC Watchdog to see if they can assist me in my case and if i get no where i will ive no choice ,ive never contacted BBC before but its a case of will they help i really hope so when i explain all ,ive no idea why its stopped and ive checked everything ten times over but at least i got some money back but the problem has not gone away still all of my mobiles cannot send out emails is this a trick of Virgin.Media to get me to change plans because im still on the £17.99 a month for the 8 meg Broadband speed the best ive ever got at 4am was just over 5 meg and its normally 256k to 512k like the bad old days if i could move and be able to do so with the littlest amount of trouble i would ,before i forget ive 5 email addresses and not one of then will send out a email via my Virgin.Mobiles ,my last resort was to delete a email address that i didnt use alot and replaced it with a new one to see if that would work Nope ! So its a long long wait for me if i ever get any reply or if the miracle happens and Virgin.Media reply will let you know .I hope ive not waffled on to much ive not meant too but its like a big weight of my shoulders knowing someone might be listening to me ,if ive bored you im sorry its me with a bee under my hat ,notice i dint say bonnet ,im not into mmm dressing up like that . If by any chance anyone else has Virgin.net and use there mobiles on Virgin Mobile network to email and have had problems sending them recently please can you contact me or let other people at Virgin.Mobile and Virgin.Media to get it sorted asap .Thank you for letting me express my views even though i did wander a little but its still to do with Virgin Media and there so called sister group they all in the same boat full of customer service personal that either cannot read or just bin all emails from Virgin.Media customers .Regards Pete:-)
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