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  1. Hey there, I have just within the past two hours received a visit from a bailiff who works for Drakes with an order for £667 for my husband’s speeding offence. (Four MPH above the limit, but fair enough, he was caught on camera.) The bailiff stated that he was legally entitled to take whatever he wanted from us today unless the fine was paid, or my husband could be arrested. He also said that they didn’t accept cheques and we couldn’t pay it bit by bit, it had to be the full amount in one lump sum. Naturally I was somewhat flustered by this, took the sheet of paper he handed out and was told that it needed to be sorted yesterday. My husband is away in London for work and so I couldn’t get hold of him immediately and the bailiff said to have my husband call him and he went on his merry way. I managed to get hold of my husband after an hour and he has since spoken to the bailiff and then to the court and was basically told that he had to pay the full amount to Drakes by a guy with a “don’t ask me guv, I only work here”, manner. We really just wanted to know where we stand on this. Do we have to pay the full amount to Drakes, or can be settled with the court now? Can this guy enter our home without a warrant and take whatever he fancies? Do we really have to pay the whole lot in one go? Thoughts and comments appreciated.
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