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Everything posted by devonboy

  1. hi there they are bulles:( i moved in with my partner in march 08 i told them my new address they still keeped sending to my old address so my mum sent the letter back saying i do not live there any more and all letters will be in ripped up and bined still no letter asking me for full payment as wot they keep sending me i only have a part time work:-| intill march then i start full time i said i can only pay £50.00 i got bulled paying £250.00 each month:( can my ccj me ???
  2. i had a letter today saying they want me to pay £220 for 3 months they want me to pay in full after 3 months or a ccj will be in forced if i don't own any thing if it goes to a ccj wot happens no reply yet form the CCA
  3. can i post letter N as i have been paying £200 for 9 months
  4. is the CCA this Consumer Credit Act 1974 i need to ask for
  5. i had a letter from a law company they said if i don't pay the triton credit the balance within 7 days a CCj will be in forced then i ring them they said they have had no letter from me i had a letter today asking me to ring them as my temp payment has came to the end wot should i do ring them or write a letter many thanks
  6. any letters i have sent to them i have got then recorded but they say they have not got them as the letters go to a PO
  7. hi all i have had problems with Triton credit services i had a natwest credit card i had problems paying the card off i had i deal with natwest to pay £165.00 pm i missed the last payment by 7 days due to my wages Triton Credit services ring and write to me i had 7 days to pay in full if not going to court i had a deal to pay £200 pm for 6 months @ this time i was ill and had to move back home to live they ask me to send a buget form in so i do and get the letter signed for they don't get them i have sent loads in they called me lier on the phone 3 days later i had letter for a CCJ i have got a temporary paymemt any help
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