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Everything posted by kellielou

  1. Hope Ive posted this in the right place! Please could someone help me clarify at which point a certified baliff collecting council tax arrears is allowed to charge fees for van hire to a debtors account and how much is classed as as 'reasonable' sum? I have been informed by an up to date website that a bailiff is not able to charge for the use of a van to remove goods without first having a signed walking possession order for goods to be removed. It seems they can apparently often charge rediculously high 'van' fees without even having to prove that they are there/have called! The bailiff in question is contesting this having charged a large fee twice for a van without first obtaining such an order, without having gained entry to the property and without any list of goods to be taken. The bailiff is also contesting the accuracy of the information displayed saying it is out of date although it clearly was updated in April 2007. This is the link for the website I have obtained my information from: http://www.advicenow.org.uk/go/feature/package_83.html I also would like to know if there is no fixed sum to be charged for a van and the costs must just be 'reasonable', how do I go about ascertaining what reasonable is? If wish to contest costs which I do not believe are reasonable, how within the system do I go about doing this? Its all so confusing and the council/government/baliffs just ignore my protests! The council seem to turn a lind eye to what I feel are shady practices. I have paid in full my arrears directly to the council and it is only my bailiff fees that I owe now so I am willing to contest this any which way out of principal! .
  2. Please could someone help me clarify at which point a certified baliff collecting council tax arrears is allowed to charge fees for van hire to a debtors account and how much is classed as as 'reasonable' sum? I have been informed by an up to date website that a bailiff is not able to charge for the use of a van to remove goods without first having a signed walking possession order for goods to be removed. It seems they can apparently often charge rediculously high 'van' fees without even having to prove that they are there/have called! The bailiff in question is contesting this having charged a large fee twice for a van without first obtaining such an order, without having gained entry to the property and without any list of goods to be taken. The bailiff is also contesting the accuracy of the information displayed saying it is out of date although it clearly was updated in April 2007. This is the link for the website I have obtained my information from: http://www.advicenow.org.uk/go/feature/package_83.html I also would like to know if there is no fixed sum to be charged for a van and the costs must just be 'reasonable', how do I go about ascertaining what reasonable is? If wish to contest costs which I do not believe are reasonable, how within the system do I go about doing this? Its all so confusing and the council/government/baliffs just ignore my protests! The council seem to turn a lind eye to what I feel are shady practices. I have paid in full my arrears directly to the council and it is only my bailiff fees that I owe now so I am willing to contest this any which way out of principal! .
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