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Posts posted by venomco

  1. Good evening all,


    Strange thread this, but I'm hoping you guys (and girls) can help with a research paper I'm currently putting together.


    I'm investigating the factors that have led up to, and created, the unprecedented level of consumer debt (in the UK), which CreditAction suggest could now be as much £1,452bn.


    The factors I'm talking about are the likes of:


    Irresponsible Lending,

    Extortionate Credit,

    Lack of legislation,

    Govt Deregulation


    Lack of power for the regulators (Should the FSA have been given the role of regulating 'credit' as apposed to the OFT...CPMA)

    Financial Exclusion

    "Affordable Credit" Regime

    "Convenient Credit" Regime


    etc etc...


    Basically I'm looking for your opinions, or maybe you've got a story to tell...


    Anyway, you'd be helping me a lot.. and it'll certainly make for an interesting read.


    Cheers all :-D

  2. I'm thinking of doing so, however I'm writing them a letter requesting a refund first, if they pay then that will be the end of the matter...


    However I have warned that failure to pay will result in me seeking both criminal and civil action being brought against them.


    If you are reading this and are planning to pay a fine to CHP Associates - DO NOT DO SO! Please read this entire forum and then decide.


    If you, like me, have paid - please watch this space, as after I have finished my ordeal, I will be more than willing to help others.


    Get in touch.



  3. Right so here it is,


    I'm a 17 year old student, and studying law - the reason behind me thinking the ticket I recieved was very "dodgy".


    I was issued with a ticket on the 6th December last year, however the ticket was dated 6 - 11 - 07, unfortunately I only noticed this after paying the ticket. And the ticket was in a yellow package which read "FIXED PENALTY NOTICE".


    On the 7th December I wrote a letter to CHP Associates asking for:


    i) A detailed map of their companies jurisdiction in the area I was believed to be parked - Stating I would verify this with Bristol City Council.


    ii) Details of the time the vehicle was left - as it was being used to drop off items at the time.


    I also wrote "Please note - this is not a refusal to pay"


    I recieved nothing back at all, so decided to write another letter to them, dated 21st December 2007. In this letter I notified them that I had recieved no response from them and attatched a copy of the original.

    I also stated that failure to respond to this letter would lead me to presume the PCN had been cancelled and no further action would ensue.

    - Lastly I wrote how the office would be closed from the 21st Dec 07 till the 7th Jan 08.


    After my holiday I returned to find a letter post marked as the 22nd December, telling me that "my Adjudication Officer" has decided to deny my appeal.


    They gave the following reasons


    - "Private land on which parked - we act on behalf of land owner as authorised enforcement agents. A ticket under law does not even have to be issued; CCTV footage also enforceable under law."


    - "No waiting allowed (At any time) in area parked (see signage)."


    - "No requirement under law to provide any other documentation."


    "Denial of appeal: In view of you correspondance we will allow a period of NOT LONGER than 14 DAYS from the date of this letter to make the lesser payment of £50.00. If payment is not recieved within this time period your case file will be passed to our Debt Recovery Management Unit. The registered keeper of the vehicle will then be liable under law for all monies outstanding + associated recovery costs. The decision of the adjudicator is final. No further correspondance will be entered into in relation to this case."


    As the registered keeper of the vehicle is my dad and not me, he told me to pay the fine - fair enough I thought.


    However the only reason for paying was the feeling of being threatened with debt collection action - we cannot afford our credit rating to be affected was our thoughts.


    As you can imagine, I am massively pis*ed off, as I recieved the letter on Jan 6th when I got back off holiday - my 2 weeks in which to pay the £50 was over - even though I clearly stated I would not be there.


    Sorry for the length of this post, but any help would really be appreciated.



    Background Info:


    - Parked off road on gravel between two pavements.

    - There for only a few minutes

    - There is signage - however nothing that says no waiting or drop off's, and the signs warn only of clamping or removal (No mention of tickets at all)

    - Anything else just ask - Pictures on request


    Thanks in advance,


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