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Everything posted by sonia

  1. Well, I actually went to the court today to pick up the copy of the defence and my allocation questionnaire. There backlog is massive apparently and I just couldn't wait any longer! So, I got back and phoned the solicitors straight away to see if they would like to settle to prevent further court costs. I am waiting for a call back.............
  2. Have just phoned the court again, they won't be sending out my allocation questionnaire until next week! They said they have been short staffed and apologised. This has taken sssssoooooo long, they haven't even sent me a copy of the defence yet. Am I being too impatient. I have paid for a service here and don't appear to be getting a very good one!
  3. Has lloyds actually taken anyone to court yet?
  4. I still haven't received a copy of the defense through and still no allocation questionnaire. Am I being too impatient?
  5. It's the actual court who are delaying things, not lloyds.
  6. Still haven't received my AQ, Lloyds entered their defence two weeks ago which I haven't received a copy of. I phoned the court last Thursday, they apologised for the delay and will get the ball rolling asap. You don't think that their delay will affect my case at all do you?
  7. No surprises, they've filed a defence! I shall sit and wait for my allocation questionnaire now!
  8. Lloyds now have three days to get back to me. This is going to be a good birthday!!!!! I know what will happen, they'll leave it until the very last minute won't they, so on 5th July, I'll hear that they intend to defend!!!!!!
  9. That's a great help, thank you. Lloyds have got til 6th July to get back so I have been opening my front door anxiously when getting home from work!!!!!
  10. It's fine, I have another account anyway.
  11. Is there anyone here who has actually had to go to court or has Lloyds settled everyone's case out of court? Also, has anyone had their account closed?
  12. Well in that case, they have until my birthday - 6th July to get back!
  13. My date of service is 22nd June, so does that mean, Lloyds have to get back within two weeks of that date?
  14. Just an update, the County Courts are very behind with all the claims. They said mine should be on the system on Thursday, they have been working overtime! I hope this doesn't affect my claim in anyway.
  15. I put my money claim in yesterday for £4660.81! Fingers crossed. I just hope they don't find some loophole somewhere on the back of last night's Trevor McDonald programme, to not pay me!
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