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Everything posted by lappytrouble

  1. Could you have a look at my post about my problem with a newish laptop and offer any advice? I'm nervous about going in with it as they haven't been very helpful so far! Also - can you answer a question for me please - is having the appearance of a second hand car salesman a prerequisite for being a PC World manager? I've met three since buying my laptop and each one wouldn't have looked out of place on Albert Square's car lot!
  2. I bought a laptop from PC World 2 mths ago. It came with a part missing (just a cap on the bottom right of the screen!), it's always crashing or the scrolling pad stops working. I went back into store, sadly after 28 days, and was told tough. Since then it's had to be reset twice by their "tech guys" loosing everything on it that wasn't backed up. This last time their tech guys told me that they'd demand a new laptop back at the original store that I bought it from (I had a repaired at a different, nearer store). I'm planning on taking it back to the original store on Friday, what are they going to say? Their attitude last time makes me dread their response. What rights do I have? I take it its not "fit for purpose"? I just want a working laptop as I've just returned to study as a mature student and my laptop means I can work whilst taking the kids to dance lessons, relatives etc. Any help would be great!
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