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Everything posted by CustomerAdvisor

  1. The software they use in store is called Eclipse. What has happened here is, he has searched for the product, e.g. COMPAQ F560 or whatever else they had on the Orange deal at the time. The reconditioned models do appear on the system because somewhere they have them in stock. It sounds like the sales guy has made a genuine mistake, and spotted that at the cheaper price, without noticing it was in fact the reconditioned one. If that's the case, he will have said he'll honour it thinking that the price had gone down. I'm not saying he was right in doing so; the mistake was careless, but unfortunately there is nothing anyone can do about that.
  2. Bobus-Man has hit it right on the head. Pushy customers who expect they should receive a deal just for buying are irritating and it makes the sales guys less likely to want to help them. I've lost count of the number of customers I've dealt with who, on seeing a £349.99 PC or laptop, have said "Throw in a printer and you've got yourself a sale", or even worse, "Do it for £300...." Whenever this happens to me, I just say "We don't throw anything in with or knock anything off the price of just the equipment because we make more profit selling a laptop bag than the thing that goes in it. I'll see what you're buying and try and work something out. (hint hint hint)" Some people still don't take the hint and storm off. The moral is, do not treat us as if we are being unreasonable in offering you products and services to go with it - that's what the web is for. If you want a deal, realistically, you need to be listening to us! Rant over! lol
  3. Hi, I'm new here but I happened to notice this posting. I work for PC World and deal with a lot of customers trying to get discounts. They expect that PC World are making a fortune on computers and somehow consider it their right as a customer to some kind of freebie to close the deal. The truth is that the margins on hardware are low - try and find some of the specs they have on laptops lower priced elsewhere! The method above, regarding the "extended warranty" does work, and it is relied on by many a customer advisor to meet targets on PC Performance (which is 60% for base units and laptops). There is no such option as "service agreement offer" as a reason for a discount; this comes off the price of the base unit/laptop usually. We are not supposed to give discounts other than for advertised promotions that are not present on our system under Customer Offers, for the price promise, and by using Manager Discretion for PC Performance. No customer has to give back the extras... this is the idea! We know damn well that half of the customers will want to cancel the service, but we need our figures to balance out. In other words, if you want a discount, do as we say and you'll get one. You've heard of cashback haven't you?
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