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  1. thanks rory, im scared that they will come to my house and cause enough trouble than it is. Well its only 1 letter i opened so I'm going to ignore that and send the other 2 letter they sent me back to them.
  2. Well i got a letter from BLS collections for a unpaid amount of due which is about 1k and the thing is that the person who is responsible for this whole mess is a person i even hardly know. The person never lived here but as far as i know the person used my address like 4-6 years ago just for like a few months then changed his address. Since he has someone to stay over with. The person changed his whole bank detail to his new flat (when i mean he never lived in my address. I really do mean it). He left the country a few months ago and they start sending me a BLS collections letter like twice and i never opened them since the person never lived here? (what should i have done with the letter? burn it?) . I knew it was them when i opened the latest mail from then. Something like Is there any solution to this? the person doesnt even live here in the first place and i have no idea what to do at this point. I dont think they would believe me if i just call up and say the person doesnt live here anymore. We have no contact in this person in anyway so it feel like its impossible... Sorry if i broke any rule. Im just really in a panic just because of this whole BLS collection which im not responsible for (the whole family themselves isnt responsible). Sorry for the bad grammar i used.
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