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Everything posted by Dizzzy

  1. Thanks Rhia and Rosie - I will get my husband to send off the CCA letter! Just to update you HFO have now said they will deal with Payplan and our Payplan advisor had the same experience as yours. She sent them our financial statement and they said what we can offer is not enough! You'd think they would be glad to get some money in! It seems whatever anyone offers it's not enough for these cowboys.....:-|
  2. Thanks saintly 1 - great name by the way....
  3. Hi Rosie 123 - spoke to you earlier this evening... My husband is in a very similar position to you. He hasn't received any letters from them yet but he received a card a couple of weeks ago saying they had a parcel for him! When he rang them up to see what it was all about he inadvertantly told them he works for a Police Authority. They have actually traced where he works and yesterday they left a message on his work answering machine saying he owes them money! I don't know how they got the number as it is the number which the control room leaves details of incidents which need attending! He has had a real ding dong with HFO when he rang them back!!! We are also with Payplan and they will not deal with Payplan at all.
  4. Hi everyone - This is my first time ever on a forum and I can't tell you what a relief it is to find you My husband is being harrassed like many other people by the notorious HFO. This site is fantastic!
  5. Good luck onecall 1 we're all behind you
  6. Thanks for the support they are monsters!!
  7. Hi Rosie it's a great feeling to know that we're not the only ones!
  8. Hi there - i've never done anything like this before and have only just found this forum today whilst googling HFO. My heart goes out to you aas my husband is being harrassed by HFO since yesterday! They are a complete nightmare.
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