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miss pickle

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Everything posted by miss pickle

  1. I have not received a summons yet, can I sent this letter in response 'Pre-litigation' phase, or should I wait? Many thanks m.p.
  2. thank you so much for replies, it will be off in the post pronto, I know God and the forum are taking care of me. These plebs really do try to intimidate people as it is so easy to feel threatened by jargon! I am so greatful for all the help. Will keep you informed of outcome. miss pickle
  3. My problems with HFO are still ongoing. I have received copy application form (no a/c number). I have had more than one CC with same provider, so this copy application form does not identify the so call debt. Also received statements in response to SAR. When this was received I acknowledged receipt, by post as I refuse to talk on phone. HFO have been ringing me but have felt uneasy about leaving a message on ansaphone. Now I have got a letter from TURNBALLS sol. if I do not pay 4K by --/04/08 (date now passed) Litigation against me and home will commence at Northampton County Court. Q. I live in London what should I do if summons rec? If this debt is identified correctly I will pay what I am able. However they have added almost 2k to outstanding ammount. Do I need to post this on the other HFO threads? kind regards, m.p.
  4. Well done HFO/MS sucessful outcomes. I've have new corresponcence lately, slightly less aggressive tone but in the same vien as pervious correspondence. My resolve is strong, no phone calls (all rcorded) only snail mail. So I await and in light of your great news, hope I have a positive outcome. Very encourgaging news. m.p.
  5. Hi Just a little update, have followed all the advice. All corres. in writing, no phone calls and if any, have recorded. Last call from HFO weeks ago, I recorded this call and informed them to that effect. The caller decided they didn't wish to continue the barrage any longer and hung up, so I wait. Wonder where they can go next with this? Q. When I make a S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) to original creditor, will any transfer to other agencies or third parties show, i.e. the assignment of the debt to a DCA? m. p.
  6. I think the big guys should take HFO TO COURT , MISREPRESENTATION under the Trad Discriptions Act, then just maybe we can all get some closure.
  7. Hi, Great thread. Like many who have been hounded and intimated by HFO + T.R. sol I'm cautious of posting too much sensitive info. Had the First Direct parcel [problem] but didn't respond (lucky 4 me) will produce in court, then 1st ltr charge on home. I want these morons to take me to court, I want to have my day! I don't understand how the Blue Chip companies can use such unlawful ********. The billions the make!!! When I was at my worst and incurring interest and unable to pay C.C.I got sent blank cheques, thus encouraging me to incur even more debt, thank God I didn't use them. Awaiting HFO next move ! Suspicious and untrusting m.p.
  8. Hi, thanks pkq1. much reading to do, appreciate all info. First I was frightened, was taken off guard, but now I'm angry and willing to go the whole hog! Don't get a lot of weekday time online. Need time to compemplate. So will still be posting, but maybe not with scaned docs, just yet. Awaiting further corres. Again thank you. My debt probs are small fries compared to yours by the sound of it. m.p.
  9. Hi, Thanks for support, reading lots of threads and getting lots of encouragement and v useful information. Just waiting to see what trick they may pull next! I think I'm ready for the fight. m. p.
  10. Yes, I've done the appropriate requests, following the advice already posted, ie recorded del, postal orders, S.A.R.. JUST GET A LITTLE ANXIOUS. I also wonder if they read the forums?
  11. Although it's Copy Application there is no way I can identify the account!
  12. If a third party aquire a debt can they add any ammount of charges they desire? or do they have to show how any charges are applied/ justified?
  13. I have requested an original crdit agreement but received COPY APPLICATION
  14. Hi Rory, Have been reading the forum, related problems about HFO, very similar to my own. Can these cowboys demand response within a set period of time but have refused to supply me with correct documents? Think I'm doing all the right things, communications by post only, recording any phone calls.
  15. Hi rory and thank you, I'm very new to this posting and forum business and a little cautious, where do I pick up my threads?
  16. This is my first post, I have been too frightened to post because of the intimidation by HFO via letters and unidentified numbers on the phone. Not sure if even the internet is safe!!! Who are these people who have a so called debt against me? Never heard of them until I get a letter threatening to take me to court. Why would I pay someone who I have never entered into a contract with? HELP
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