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Everything posted by Rubylou

  1. WOW!!!, thank you so much, letter is printed off and ready to send recorded delivery tomorrow. I also noticed that the address for Roxburghe is the same address for HFO Services!!
  2. Can they do this???? My last correspondance was a letter to HFO Services on Jan 22nd 2008!! in this letter I informed them that I was still waiting for a copy of original contract, t&C's and the missing statements, I have heard NOTHING from them since. However today I have received a letter from Roxburghe debt collectors asking me for £301.11(original debt was reduced to £172.00), telling me "they were surprised to note that I had failed to respond to thier previous letter", which I 've never received. They say they are passing the account on to their analysts to be reviewed and should litigation commence I will be liable for all fixed legal fees. "Alternatively we may instruct our external field representatives to call at your premises to collect the full outstanding balance" I have kept all my correspondance with HFO and recorded delivery slips. I can't believe this has happened and am not sure what to do now. Can anyone help?
  3. Can they do this???? My last correspondance was a letter to HFO Services on Jan 22nd 2008!! in this letter I informed them that I was still waiting for a copy of original contract, t&C's and the missing statements, I have heard NOTHING from them since. However today I have received a letter from Roxburghe debt collectors asking me for £301.11(original debt was reduced to £172.00), telling me "they were surprised to note that I had failed to respond to thier previous letter", which I 've never received. They say they are passing the account on to their analysts to be reviewed and should litigation commence I will be liable for all fixed legal fees. "Alternatively we may instruct our external field representatives to call at your premises to collect the full outstanding balance" I have kept all my correspondance with HFO and recorded delivery slips. I can't believe this has happened and am not sure what to do now. Can anyone help?
  4. OK I sent the CCA request to Fredrickson. I received a letter last week basically saying I still owe the £8500.00. I checked with Royal Mail and they said my letter hadn't been delivered then I got a phone call from Frederickson saying that had received my £1 payment!! turns out they did receive it on 24/1/08. Fredrickson said they have sent the CCA request onto Natwest and something should be in the post. I said I thought they had to supply it within a certain amount of time but they said that was not the case. So my question is what do I do now? Is the debt still enforceable? Please can someone advise me. Many Thanks
  5. Thanks golfr32 I am so glad I found this site!! I have been looking through my paperwork again they did apply a credit to the account but we didn't feel it was enough as they had continued to bill us the monthly line rental. I also found a letter from Westcot dated July 2004 which says it is has been instructed by the client (3G) to withdraw the account. Then a year later we received a bill from them asking for the same amount. But they still at no point addressed our 3 letters of complaint. Also I have just noticed that HFO have failed to provide all the statements there are 4 months missing!! I'm going to write another letter to HFO asking for the missing statements and original contract & T&C's. KR Rubylou
  6. Thanks Ananya Buchanan didn't bother to get back to me and instead have passed the debt on to Fredrickson. But I'll get this CCA off to them tomorrow. what is a S.A.R and is there a template for it?
  7. Hi rory32, thanks for all your help so far. I sent another letter to HFO as you suggested and I have just received a bunch of 3G copy bills from them. The final outstanding amount is about £70.00 less than they were asking for. I have since found my original statements and they are matching copies. So what do I do now, they still haven't provided me with the original contract or terms and conditions. And the fact is we were disputing this debt with 3G. Is there anything else I can do or do I have to had my money over to these awful people?
  8. I don't really know where to start with this!! My partner and I had a joint account which was closed when I lost my business back in 2003. We had an outstanding overdraft and my partner had an outstanding loan. I made arrangements over the telephone for us to make one payment from our account which would go against both debts which was agreed by Natwest. Over time we had to reduce that payment and eventually the debt was handed over to Buchanan Clark & Wells and we have continued to make a payment to them ever since. Just before Xmas I got a phone from Buchanan asking for a payment of £8575.34. I said I didn't know what this debt was as we were already paying them back £6000.00 approx but they claimed this is another debt. They said they would go back to Natwest but I got a letter and another phone call asking for the same amount. The letter had the same ref as the debt we are currently paying. So again I said I didn't what it was, the guy at Buchanan said it was probably a mistake and not to worry. The next thing I receive a phone call from Fredrickson asking for a debit card payment for the full amount. I had a very heated discussion and asked him to supply me with a CCA. (Was that the right thing to do?) When I have looked back through all my paperwork, although the initial letters from Natwest mentioned both the overdraft and the loan, once we started receiving letters from Buchanan it only mentions the overdraft. I think that the amount they are asking for is the outstanding loan which was only £4000.00 plus a whole load of interest. The thing is we have never received a single letter or statement from Natwest regarding this. We have been making payments to Buchanan believing that we were paying our total debt. I also do not understand why they are asking me for the debt when the loan was in my partners name. I have since received a letter from Fredrickson, so I am concerned that the guy I spoke to has not registered my CCA request. I have just used the CCA template and will send that tomorrow. Can anyone suggest anything else to put my mind at rest. Many thanks Rubylou
  9. Ok I sent a letter using the suggested template and I jsut got a letter supposedly from 3. It basically says that they have passed the debt onto HFO and I should make all payments to them as of 4 July 2007. The last paragraph of the letter says. " these changes don't affect the Terms and Conditions of your original 3 contract" The thing is I don't believe the letter is from 3. The logo look like it has been scanned and there is no address or company details. So what should I do now? My partner has just been accepted in a new job with Barclays so they are checking all our credit details at the moment the last thing we need is a CCJ. PLEASE HELP!!
  10. I don't think so, he said we were sent a bye bye letter from 3 along with a letter from them to say they were taking over the debt, but I dont recall revceiving this. We've only ever had 2 letters from them this most recent one and one a while back saying we hadn't responded to any of their previous letters.
  11. Hi We have been having some problems with HFO, they have just sent us a letter from thier pre litigation team. Basically threatening a CCJ. I have just had a very frustrating conversation with them. They have bought the debt from 3G the mobile phone company. We had a dispute with 3 g back in the 2003-2004 the service was so bad we refused to pay them until they gave us a discount. we couldn't sort it ou on the phone but sent several letters to which they did not respond they just stopped chasing the debt the next thing we get a letter in July from HFO. the man I spoke to tonight laughed when I said I was getting legal advice, said they didn't have to provide a CCA and has given me until Monday evening. Does a CCA apply to any account or is it just for credit cards and loans? Should I send the CCA letter. Also the only address I have is PO Box, so I wouldn't be able to send a registered post there. Please advise
  12. Hi this is my first post I have just got off the phone to HFO, they have been chasing a debt which they bought from 3g the mobile phone company. My partner got a phone from them back in 2003 he then got into a dispute with them because the service was so bad and we wanted to cancel the contract. We had a complete nightmare could never get through to the right person and resorted to writing several letters which they never responded to. They didn't chase the debt the first we heard was when we got a letter fiom HFo which has been followed with lots of phone calls. They have now sent us a letter from their pre litigation team! The man I just spoke with was the 3g litigation manager, I said that we would not be paying anything until we had looked into our legal position he just laughed and said I wouldn't get anywhere and that he is going to call back on Monday evening and if we don't agree to pay he will pass it onto their solicitors. I was going to send the CCA letter does this still apply in this case or is that more for loans and credit cards? The thing is my partner is just in the throes of appying for a new job with a bank and a CCJ would really mess things up. Any advise would be appreciated.
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