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Posts posted by Marky1701

  1. As you live at the same address unless there is something strange in your "address field" the application will most likely be rejected. You will have 14 days in which to "seek a review". If you fail to do so, the warrant will come "of hold" and can be enforced once again.


    It is important to get copy of all notices from the council. Also, do you receive the DVLA notice to remind you that your car tax is due? If you fail to get this then it is normally the case that there is something wrong in the "address field".


    Hi and thanks for that, how do I seek a review? And how would I get a copy of all notices from the council - would it just be a case of calling them? I do not get notices to get my tax through the post

  2. Hi and thanks for your replies so far.

    I spoke with the parking ticket office in Manchester - as I had to put details of the offence on the TE7 but I had no idea what date it was or where the offence took place - I had to get the details off them.

    No I have always been at the same address, and my car is paid for

    I filed the OTT on the basis I knew nothing about this and had received no paperwork.

  3. Thanks again Jamberson.


    No, I was not rude or confrontational with him (apart from refusing to let him take my car or pay him money) as I was in a state of surprised shock, and really did not have time as I needed to be at work.


    I am now however more than a little miffed that he treatened me with being arrested when he apparently had no right to - he literally was on his mobile phone as I left shouting (for all my neighbours to hear) that he was calling the Police there and then to get me arrested. I have spent the day worried sick that the Police were going to turn up and march me off at any time.


    I guess I will have to see what happens this weekend, but I have printed off all the eamils from the TEC and if he turns up will show them to him.

  4. Thank you for your prompt reply Jamberson, good to know what you said, but it is very intimidating. here is an email I got back from the TEC once I had sent them the TE7 &TE9

    Dear Sir,

    Ive just checked your case again and they have now been processed.


    The TEC will now notify the Local Authority concerned that an application has been received and processed. Upon receipt of this notification the Local Authority is required to suspend any enforcement action.

    A copy of your application will be sent to the Local Authority.

    · The Local Authority is given 19 working days to decide if they wish to accept or reject your application.


    · If the Local Authority accepts your application within this time limit, the court registration will be revoked (i.e. cancelled). N.B. This does NOT cancel the original penalty charge. The matter will be referred back to the Local Authority.


    · If the Local Authority rejects your application, the court file will be referred without a hearing to a Court Officer who will make an impartial decision. You will be notified of the result.

  5. Hi All,


    Well its been quite a day, one to forget really but I need any help and advice I can get please.


    Just about to leave for work this morning, and this guy walks up, saying he has a warrant to collect money for a court fine I apparently got for a parking offence. He said he was a court officer from Marstens representing Northampton County Court.


    I was completely taken aback, as I did not know what this was about. I asked him to show me what documents he had but he would not. All he said was that I had to pay or he would seize my car. I kept it polite, and told him that until I knew what all this was about I was not going to pay anything and he certainly was not going to have my car. He then became quite agressive and told me that if I did not, he would call the Police and get me arrested. I had to go to work but I did get a reference number off him and then drove away whilst he told me he was calling the police and they would arrest me.


    Duly frightened, I emailed Northampton court ( or TEC as I was by this time doing some serious Googling) and asked them what all this was about.

    To my knowledge, the only parking problem I have had in the last 15 years is when I got a bill from a parking company accusing me of staying in a Tesco car park all day - that was sorted with a couple of emails and they dropped the fine.


    Fortunately, the TEC responded quickly, and told me I had to fill out a TE7 and a TE9. I contacted Manchester court for details, and apparently I was done for driving in a bus lane last January?


    I filled the forms out, and emailed them straight back - the TEC replied they have recieved them, they would send an email and will send the form back to Manchester court for them to look at this on the grounds I knew nothing about it.


    I also emailed the bailiffs with the email thread which confirmed this.


    Question please; where do I stand with all of this? This guy from the bailiffs was a nasty piece of work but can he still take my car and have me arrested?


    Frightened to go home at this point.


    Any help or advice would be really appreciated

  6. Let me give you some tips with swift



    My case with Swift has ended in my favour! The pointers I have shown above are those which the Judge in my hearing questioned their barrister on. My case was about charges and ERC. I was lucky and had excellent legal advice on the end of the phone and the Judge was very accommodating. Hope this helps!!


    WOW Small Fry, what a brilliant piece of news and I am surprised not more people have acknowledged your achievement?


    I am very pleased for you and I hope this will help and encourage more people to go on to victory!!


    Its such a refreshing change to hear about a concrete success rather than the usual predictions which never come true and promises which are never kept which unfortunately are rife on this site.


    Well done !!!!



  7. "This post is for the odd doubter of sparkie predictions.....he has been advocating for a long, long time about the fact that Swift Advances plc NO LONGER own your loan ........they have sold it .....sparkie has the evidence.............and Swift have no right to sue....as Gallahads last post says ........."pull the string and it will all unravel".....and just like Pkellys post " straight from the horses mouth" .................the truth will out in Court before Xmas.........I'll give you one guess who is to be a witness to material facts .... "in the interests of the court" and in the "interest of Justice"


    So doubters be ready for a custard in the gob




    Some of you never learn do you?


    TIE get ready!!


    Lets revisit this post with yet another prediction in January, and see which way the custard goes.



  8. Yep and in better shape than ever he was taken off this site by the powers that be, without any explanation funny though Jaws and Sparkle also seem to have gone as well, they are however up to their eyeball below the blankets, lol trying to keep up with his emails and letters and getting new licences etc to try cover up for themselves. I have it from the horses mouth that swift are in serious trouble and no amount of trying to cover up with new licences etc will get them off

    problem is for swifties and kestrels sgls etc now is they cannot do all they were before, so watch this space they will be out of business very shortly.



    Hi All,


    Perhaps we could and should have an explanation from the site team as to why he has been removed?


    pkelly dont fall into the same trap as Sparkie and delude yourself and other Swift victims - you should have learned by now that statements such as 'from the horses mouuth' 'watch this space' and 'swift will be out of business very shortly' just invite renewed posts from TIE.


    If it happens, I will be the first one down to Romford to give the departing Swift employees an F1 style champagne shower as they are escorted from the building - but somehow I doubt that will happen.



  9. TIE,


    I know what would be really helpfull to someone in my situation and many like me. As a result of the problems experienced with Swift, it's lead to my credit rating being shot. This is by trying to maintain the high interest rates hikes that I was not aware would happen for at least 12 months (have my contract to prove that now and my underwriting sheet). I had to make my repayments a priority.


    I would dearly love to move onto a high street lender or any honest lender - (don't laugh caggers) how can I do that now. Could you help as a banker. Are there any banks you could recommend?


    Sorry SP mistakes LOL. Don't want blasting over it:)


    Thanks BQ for the most sensible post on this forum of late - be interesting if anyone can come back with some constructive advice as a result instead of the mostly useless babble coming out of this forum recently.


    I think some on here, and its pretty obvious who who are, should hold back on posting unless they have something useful to contribute.


    Some have lost sight of why we are here - to battle and beat these robbing bandits who are making life so hard for so many.


    Those of you who want to get into personal battles - go find a chatroom - preferably an adult one so you can get the bad language out without it being edited - and play there.



    • Confused 1
  10. hello am new to forum but just had a conversation with a customer rep from swift who told me that swift had paid 1923 into my account for charges in MARCH 10 have not had ant notification of this !!!!but heres the killer I borrowed £20,000 from them in May 2004 and I still owe then 30,934 she told me that my payment of 346.76 a month is still only paying interest and actually its falling £30 short each month -------------so I have not paid one flaming penny of my amount since 2004 !!!!Where do I start with this one ?Asked Jade to send me a full statement of my account all payments charges etc so will wait and see so my mates where do I start to fight this fight ?Jade told me £4200 had been added to loan for 5yrs PPI but after that 5 years was not covered asked her what proportion of monthly payment was PPI she said none ?Arranged loan via Ocean finance rang them they said could not complain to them as I took it with then 2004 and now its a different company ???So starting point anyone ???please


    Hi Ozzie


    Good to hear from yet another satisfied Swift customer!!!

    Your situation is all too familiar unfortunatlely. Like you I was introduced to Swift by Ocean Finance, and I have written to them thanking them for helping me make the biggest financial mistake of my life, but they dont want to know - its good to know firms like Ocean Finance are in the business of helping people though?


    All I can offer you is to get the OFT involved - despite the good work some are doing on here, in my opinion it is only these guys who have the teeth to do some damage to Swift - they must have a whole room dedicated to their Swift files by now, so add your contribution to that effort and mail;

    [email protected] and [email protected]


    I am sure they will be interested in your case.



  11. Hi Take it easy


    Would you pay my mortgage also?


    How are you finding life now,... between jobs?;)


    Taking it easy I presume??:smile:




    For example, you may find yourself reading a study which claims that the affects of oil spills on marine life are greatly exaggerated. Given the large amount of information to the contrary, you may want to see who is putting that information forward. It is highly probable in this example that the information is being provided by big oil, often through a front group which appears innocuous. By following the money, you may determine the true source of the information, which might have an impact on how you think about it.


    If we followed Take it Easy where do you think that would lead us?




    Why all the subterfuge?


    If anyone knows who TIE is, lets name him and get him out of the closet?


    If he is connected with Swift and exposure might get him in trouble - so what?


    At least give him/her a chance to confrim or deny?


    Why all the fannying about?



  12. Hi Cas,


    OFT = Office of Fair Trading


    I suggest that you address any correspondence to:

    David Blocksidge

    Office of Fair Trading

    Fleetbank House

    2-6 Salisbury Square


    EC4Y 8JX


    E-Mail: [email protected]


    The more complaints and evidence they get against Swift the better!




    Nice one Apollo,


    Cas - also ping one off th Edward Allie at the OFT

    [email protected]


    The more complaints = more likely they will act



  13. Thanks for your advices. I paid £3,500.00 in respect of PPI Insurance. When I redeemed the mortgage which I had a shortfall of £3,450.00 I asked Swift about the insurance premiums. They told me it was nothing to do with them and to speak to the Broker. Unfortunately the Broker is no longer in business and I have since found out that they stopped trading in January 2007.


    I then went to a company near by who dealt with the mis selling of the PPI. They were looking £500.00 up front and then 25% of anything I got back. I contacted the company directly who the PPI was with and they refused to pay me out. After another letter to them they then agreed to pay me in or around £1,200.00 which I received. If I had of went through that company I would have been at a greater loss. I posted my letter to Swift on Friday 18th June 2010 in relation to the mortgage and enclosed a schedule of payments to them in which I charged the interest on the loan amount only and then added on the insurance premiums, brokers fees, charges, early redemption penalty etc. I then deducted all payments off and got a total of in or around £17,111.00 which I feel I have over paid them by. I also asked in that letter that if they disagree with my figures to send me out a schedule as to how they arrived at the figures they have quoted, As soon as I receive this I will let you know what they say and take it from their. I have a form already downloaded and ready to go to the Financial Ombudsman if I don't get a satisfactory reply from them.


    Hi Cas,


    I take nothing away from your eforts, but be aware the FOS are, in many peoples' experience, about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike - they always seem to favour the lenders. By all means write to them, but please get the OFT involved too - they are much more likely to make a difference.


    Just hit the link on FOS to see what I mean



  14. Having read everyone's notices about Swift I had a mortgage with them which I took out in April 2006. The amount of the mortgage was for £66,576.00 plus £4,460.00 for fees and £3,150.00 for insurance premiums that were added to the loan making the loan amount £74,186.00.


    I fell into arrears with the mortgage and in or around April 2009 I brought the mortgage payments up to date and the amount which I paid included all charges.


    I redeemed the mortage in August 2009 and they were looking £93,550.00 of me to settle the account.


    I have recently took the opportunity having read through every one's complaints about them and I have written to them enclosing a schedule of payments. According to my calucations any monies which I paid towards the mortgage was never taken off.


    I have written to them and have shown them how I have arrived at the figures and according to my calucations they have overcharged me by nearly £17,000.00. I have asked that I hear from them within the next seven days. I have also stated that if my calucations are wrong in any way to let me have a break down of how they arrived at the figure to redeem the mortgage. By the way it was a repayment mortgage and not an interest mortgage only. I will let you know how I get on. If in the meantime any one has any suggestions I would like to hear them.


    Hi Cas,


    In a word, ouch!!! - yet another Swift success story - do they actually have any satisfied customers at all I wonder?


    Check they were not using the Rule of 78 to calculate the settlement figure - if they were, you might be stuffed as although it has now been abolished, it was leagal even though it was grossly unfair as the lender could lump all the interest on in an early settlement situation. Swift have now been forced not to use this from May 2010.


    If they did not use this method, challenge them on the OFT guidelines (and VERY importantly fire off a letter to the OFT too) that an early settlement figure should reflect a lenders fair and resonable costs in setting a loan up - the exact wording of that paragraph is on here somewhere - I think I have it on a previous post.


    Yet another example of Swifts' ability to rip people off - good luck on here and welcome to the struggle!!


    Once again, please take the time to get the OFT involved - these guys have teeth and we are all hoping that one day they will bite Swift back, but only if they have enough evidence.



  15. Hi Marky et al, do you think now is a good time to settle with so much going on in the regulation area? I have a feeling its worth waiting - that's if people are in the fortunate position of contemplating settlement. I don't mean you specifically Marky - I don't know whether you're thinking of settling or just curious about how much you owe in fantasy Swiftland. :)


    Hi SJ


    I honestly dont know what to do - part of me is saying remortgage and get these robbing b*stards out of my hair for good, but another part of me is saying that I have taken the hit now - I have 8 years left to pay and as we all know you pay more off the capital in the later years so I should really start to see the balance come down. Another part of me is saying hold fire - the OFT are going to make these bandits crash and burn soon. I just dont know is the honest answer.

  16. Hi All,


    Firstly good to see Sparky back and I hope he is on the mend.


    GOOD NEWS!!! Remember my previous posts regarding settlement figures and the Rule of 78? Well Swift were forced to stop using this in May and I have just got a revised figure and its dropped by nearly £4K.


    I still have hardly made an impact on repaying what I owe - after 7 years I now owe about £700 less than I originally borrowed but at least its step and should be good news for anyone in a similar situation.


    Just the silly interest rates to go now - OFT come on!!



  17. The Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government today pledged to look at ways of breaking up the banks, imposing a punitive levy on their businesses and clamping down on "unacceptable bonuses".


    Anxiety about how such plans would be implemented loomed over the UK banking sector today after Vince Cable was named business secretary.

    Cable, the former Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman, is also believed to have been handed responsibility for banks. This means that the MP who launched some of the most outspoken attacks on the greed and excesses in the City is now being unleashed on the financial services industry.


    The coalition government appears to have backed down on the Conservative plans to disband the Financial Services Authority but intends to hand more powers to the Bank of England


    Interesting stuff - Mr. Cable is not afraid to have a go at the banks - I wonder if he has ever heard about our favourite little bird?



  18. :D thanks postggj, so you reckon Blemains response should not put me off writing to them? Blemain claim that we were not vulnerable and lacking in sophistication. Now that is another point that I should question them under the unfair relationship act s140. They would have to prove that we were not vulnerable and prove that we were sophisticated.


    My OH for is not fluent in English as it is not his first language, and I on the other hand was being treated for depression and low mood.



    I have seen previous threads in a similar vein - I think the answer for anyone attending court/solicitors offices is to talk like Forrest Gump and start licking the windows.........



  19. Yes,the figures are unfortunately right. I haven`t had a full breakdown of how these so called charges have occured yet. I am currently recieving upto 4 letters/numerous telephone calls a week regarding 2 months arrears(due to redundancy) despite offering to up the payments to clear the arrears. I even had a home visit by swift last tuesday,so heaven only knows what that is goung to cost. The loan term was only over 5 years,but with these costs it could run on forever!!




    Well even by Swifts standards, that seems incredible!!


    Get a full breakdown of costs, and fire them off to David Blocksidge at the OFT.


    With what happened with GMAC recently and the penalties and fines they incurred, you have a strong case.


    Dont want to add insult to injury, but your home visit I suspect according to Swifts charges will cost you £250



  20. Hi all,


    Please be patient as im new to all this but am in real dire straits with swift. I took out a secured loan nearly 5 years ago for £5ooo. Due to a missing a few payments along the line and hundreds of calls and letters from Swift it now turns out the balance of the loan is £1400 with charges of approx £13500!! . Any advice would be greatly appreciated




    Are you sure of your figures? How long was the loan term? Has any court action taken place?


    I dont understand how the balance is £1400 but with £13500 charges?


    Are you sure these are charges and not interest due over the term?


    Check & re post G





  21. Just catching up with the last few pages. Brilliant news Sparkie - well done :D Has anyone else had a letter from the Compliance Team recently with no name at the bottom - just "Compliance Team" and a squiggle for a signature? Are they getting worried about what they're putting their names to? ;)


    Hi SJ,


    They probably have that many letters to sign from their compliance team and complaints departments that the sheer bulk of them means they dont have sufficient time to sign them properly? :D

  22. Hi Marky,


    Did you say your loan agreement is regulated? I thought secured loans over £25K taken out before the Consumer Credit Act 2006 came into force were all unregulated!




    Hi Apollo,


    Yes you are right - my original loan was for £18K, and I borrowed a further £9K in October 2003.


    The new loan agreement came through as modified agreement still regulated by the CCA 74.



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