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Everything posted by MB21857

  1. Well, I have to thank all who posted replies to my predicament, it gave me confidence in my case. I sent a letter to Lloyds via their solicitors outlining my case (yet again), this time giving them 7 days to come up with a solution or I will be sending letters to my MP Michael Howard (a Lloyds shareholder), the local Trading Standards Office, The Banking Ombudsman and the FSA. One week later I we recieved an answerphone message from Lloyds' solicitor saying that they were writing to the court to have my wife's CCJ 'set aside' and also the they were taking the Restriction on our property off also. Three days later Lloyds sent a letter to my wife explaining that they could not find the original loan agreement and refuting our claims of us not being fully informed at all times with their actions (RUBBISH) and it was a purely commercial decision to set aside the CCJ and Restriction and in no way admits guilt. They also said we must stop our complaint process and they had written on the 10th October telling us of their descision (NOT RECIEVED) and basically why are we continuing a complaint, if we had recieved this letter we surely would not have gone this far. So again THANK YOU all for your advice. I will be posting again this time over MY alleged debt to ------------ Lloyds TSB over non payment of a credit card. This time I am in dispute over the amount which strangely has links to my wife's CCJ but more of that later.
  2. Thanks car2403, your advice is much appreciated. My wife and I feel very badly treated by Lloyds and their Solicitors, it's like they feel that they can do anything they want to us without having to comply with the Law themselves. Underdog13 Thanks for your interest, we recieved NOTHING from Lloyds at all with anything to do with this business. We asked the Solicitors to give the name and address of someone at Lloyds as a contact but were refused, all contact was conducted through the Solicitors- even the CCA request was via the Solicitors. We were not notified of any CCJ being granted or the outcome of the Restriction order, we are very angry to be treated like this and finding out the results of 2 Court orders only when we apply for a loan!
  3. Thanks car2403 for your reply and your confidence in my case. Typical though that there are always 2 sides to every argument, in a similar thread to mine about CCa's and CCJ's 'gizmo111' replies that it is pointless requesting a CCA citing the debt as uninforcible AFTER a CCJ has been granted as the CCJ by it's nature IS an enforcement, the best I can do is to report Lloyds to the relevant enforcement agencies because of non-compliance with the CCA.
  4. Thanks again for your quick reply. I have been talking to the guys here at work - a few have had a CCJ and all say that it was granted without their knowledge, one guy said that in my case Bristol County Court only have to post notification of impending action in THEIR local 'rag' to suffice as notification, is this true, and therefore has the outcome i.e. a granted CCJ only need the same 'notification'.
  5. Thanks for your reply. We do know the case number as a letter came to us from a loan company refusing us credit as we had "CCJ issues", I went onto the internet and paid to see my history of myself and that of my Wife and I saw that it was Bristol County Court who issued the CCJ and the case number. I will certainly persue this. Yes when the loan was taken out we were living at our present address. Can you tell me also have we a right to a breakdown of how a £300 debt became £6000, we have repeatedly asked for this from both Lloyds and their Solicitors but we have been ignored.
  6. Thankyou car2403 for the reply. I absolutely don't believe the development today!!!!!!!!!!! The loan we are searching for has been approved (secured against the house), the agent rang me back after a conversation confirming this, a search against our property has turned up the fact that despite being in default of s78 of the Consumer Credit Act where Lloyds TSB have failed to deliver a copy of the original agreement (letter telling them of the default sent 18/08/088)) Lloyds have taken us to Court and have been awarded a Restriction against our property. I don't at this moment know whether the Court action was taken immediately after the Land Registry rejected our appeal i.e. this could have been before our letter of the 18/08/08 but they were certainly in the knowledge that we wished a copy of the original agreement as we sent a written request giving them 12 days to produce proof on the 17th July 08. Again we were not notified of the Court proceding's date OR its outcome. Surely Lloyds realise either a) that if they knew they couldn't produce the original agreement that they were commiting an offence taking further action against us or b) if the Court action was before the request of the 17th July that they cannot now defend the action they have taken against us. How can Bristol County Court fail to notify us of the CCJ OR the Restriction? I find this appalling, do Lloyds TSB think if they keep quiet we will just go away. A response from you would be greatly appreciated. Regards
  7. This is my first posting to CAG, hope I've done it correctly. HELP. My Wife took out a loan from Lloyds several years ago and in hard times a year or so back defaulted with around £300 left to pay. She wrote a letter to them offering to pay a reduced sum monthly but Lloyds "didn't recieve it". On 20th May 2008 we both received a letter from the Land Registry (as the house is in joint names) apparently Lloyds had applied to Bristol County Court for a restriction against our property for the sum of £6015, the debt of £300 had turned into £6000 taking "costs" into consideration, on the sale of our house this sum would be taken from us with 8% interest added. The letter basically said that we could appeal but very few circumstances would be accepted.We disputed the application on the grounds of the amount of "costs" for a £300 dispute,an Officer within the Land Registry (not the Court) refused our appeal. My wife and I waited for the inevitable Court hearing, in the meantime after reading threads on this site about requesting copies of original loan agreements I phoned Lloyds Solicitors asking 2 things, firstly a breakdown of all costs both theirs and Lloyds, secondly a copy of the original signed loan agreement, I was told that in law "it's not that simple" i.e. no agreement no contract. I then made it official asking for both things in writing quoting CCA sections 77-79. That was in July this year since then NOTHING! I have to presume they cannot find the original agreement. Now the real reason for my posting, I am desperate for a loan to consolidated debts but am unable to get credit, I now find out after paying to look at my credit rating that Lloyds in April -one month before the Land Registry's letter - had been granted a CCJ against my wife for this debt. Where do we go from here, it seems that Lloyds cannot find the original agreement for my wife's loan which surely in law means no debt but we have a CCJ marked as 'Unsatisfied' against us. We never had any summons, no correspondence from the Court telling us the ruling either. I read today that I can ask the Court to set aside the CCJ (and incurr costs if we lose) or we can ask our Creditor to agree its removal - like they will agree to that, NOT!!!
  8. Well, then surely that is 'guilty until proven innoccent'? 2 grand gets you nothing these days - blimey, in a couple of years at the rate we're going in this country it'll barely be a night down the pub and a curry.
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