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Everything posted by Shaitan

  1. Hi there, I have taken time to read the forums to see if i can find something similar to my (well, my partners case) situation but to no avail. Rundown: In April 2007, my partner (I will refer to her as Leli) received a letter from DML stating that there was an outstanding debt to Clydedale bank for over £200. After calling DML and informing them that she had: a) never lived in Scotland (the debt is from the Prestwick area); and b) never had an account with Clydesdale Bank. DML stated that they were satisfied with the information and we would receive no further correspondence. Fast forward to today (2nd Nov 2007) and we receive and identical letter stating the same thing and contacted them again, stating the same information and received the same assurance (but this time with some rather aggressive language being used) - this distressed Leli and so I began a search for further info which led me here. The first letter (which we kept) I can put down to a mistake; the second as annoying but still within the realms of a mistake. My question, after reading a lot of the posts throughout the forum, is: Should I let this go? We have had the same assurance that we would not be contacted further but, after reading some stories, I am wondering if we should be more proactive and actively seek what this debt is referring to (she asked on the phone but they would not give the info out) and attempt to nip this in the bud before it can get out of hand. Your opinions are appreciated. Regards Shaitan
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