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Everything posted by Scribes

  1. Update..... Thanks to all for continued support and advice, especially to those offering quality information and detailed responses. Have now written to 21 CCs under guidance from Payplan, although they seem to be leaving it up to me to take the suggested action. Thought that they may have become more involved in taking the action to help. Now await 21 replies! Have been successful in obtaining basic bank account, along with cheque book, debit card and ability to set up DD and SOs. Still suffering with worry and depression. Now on tablets from doctor and still off work. Redundancy now imminent. Plan to offer F&F in a few months time. Not sure of the accepted % of debt though to offer. Contacted CAB but unable to become involved owing to Payplans involvement. Thought that they may still have offered to see me to check validity and verfication of best practice approach. Intend to send letters requesting original CCAs. Does this have implications if just requesting information, considering still awaiting first replies from CCCs. Must reply to specific questions from quality responses on forum. Will provide update in a couple of days for responses and update. Many thanks again to all Forum friends.
  2. Thank you Phantom and Oh Boy! Have tried Nationwide but because already have ISA they've done a credit cheque and no go. Will try Co-op but how do you make payments where cheque required? Any other alternatives? Restricted because of number of credit cards and links to banks etc. What should be asked for; just straight forward bank account with DD facilities? What's the poilcy with regards to making contact with current bank which holds DD details for transfer to new one with bank to be found. Salary to be paid in here imminent and owe debts to Credit Card side of company.
  3. Not had replies to last post? Any takers??? Have tried to set new bank account but owing to credit rating seems to be difficult. What's the best way to obtaon a suitable account to pay salary to and to then be able to write cheques or make payments, such as DDs for mortgage and rates etc. Not sure if I will get any more readers as no response to last set of questions. Any help available.
  4. More thanks to all contributors to my situation. Can appreciate how this site can become addictive. It certainly provides a source of inspiration and hope. Whilst everything becomes a major decision when depressed; something I've never experienced before and not to be recommended, obtaining views, help and suggestions gives some hope to the cause! Responses to queries raised in previous messages: Debt mostly in my name as credit card account holder, although accrued whilst within the marriage. Deemed as mine owing to complications of divorce settlement. Thank you for the source of letter templates. Will consider CCA request to CCCs. Have read detai;led explanation of Act but wonder how effective this is in reality. Should this request be made at any preferential time strategically? First batch of pro-rata payments just sent. Are there any repercusions from CCA request or can it be deemed as a normal request for information? Does it tilt the balance of approach by CCCs? Will attempt to contact CAB financial advisor tomorrow - will post update accordingly. Bankruptcy not an option yet considering assets linked to divorce litigation. Who might be best placed with assisting with debt challenge, apart from CAG that is! Has anyone recently been succesful with F&F process. What's the considered % average acceptance at present if this becomes an option failing all else. Have listed CCs but no response from CAG members on the CCs stance, actions and what to expect. Apreciate possibly dependent on CCA. Again thank you all for your support and comments. Keep them coming. Any advice on opening new bank account with non CCC and transfer of DD details from bank which relates to 2 CC balances outstanding. Anyone experienced copmplications; credit ref etc. Await to hear from readers...... Thank you.
  5. I've just logged on after posting my message last night and feel slightly appeased with the help and responses by everyone. A Big Thank you. To try and respond to those good enough to try and help I'm going to try and clarify matters to at least give a better foundation of information. So here goes. The actual amount outstanding on Credit Cards is £130k. Credit cards are with M&S, Tesco, Sainsburys, City Financial Europe, MBNA, Alliance & Leiscester, TSB, HSBC, Goldfish, Mint, Coop Bank, Bank of Scotland, Capital One. Some with two cards and some with one. A loan with Morgan Stanley of £12k. Amounts ranging from £1k to £9k. Is the CCCS the Credit Card Consolidation Service? Are they better than Payplan? Payplan have provided letters but have not offered to contact CCMs. Will have redundancy payment of about £50k in three months. Then only pension of about £10kpa. Would hope to have at least somethging to pay monthly. Hoping to achieve F&F settlement when capital realised - possibly 40-50% maybe? Divorce just initiated by partner. Hope to come to informal arrangement but will have to split house sale proceeds. Say £70k to come each. Will be able to live with relatives. When no longer in work. Hope to get new job in a few months in another area when house sale completed and hopefully, on the road to recovery from depresion and dire situiation at present. How does the application/request for CCA 1974 work. Is there a particular process or form? The debts have accrued over the past 10 years. Some of the cards have been active for anything between 2/3 to 30 years. Immediate dilemma is to either send letters prepared by Payplan requiring me to send along with cheques now. Or, to wait 2-3 months before Default notices are issued and send stanadrd letter devised by National Debtline for F&F settlement?. Any suggestions? Moving bank account to non credit card bank. How long does this take for new SOs and DDs to take effect? Could this be jeopardised by the bank currently (with 2 CCs bals outstanding) not providing info on DDs etc to new bank? Would the CAB or CCCS be able to help independently or should they be consulted over and above Payplan advice. No one has offered to come to house to assess and respond to situation! Hopefully, I've covered everything but I'm eternally grateful for everyones input. Being depressed is certainly a first so not thinking logically or rationally - so help very much appreciated. Don't know which way to turn. All complicated by divorce and the selling of the house which is on the market. Look forward to replies. Thank you all again!!!!
  6. For Credit Card Debt Forum. Never used a message board before and new to site... May need help! Have a large debt of over £100k with 20+ credit cards. Going through divorce. Clinically depressed. Don't know where to turn. Local debt advice centre suggests waiting until default notices issued and then offer full and final settlement. How much should this be? Payplan suggesting immediate letters for an Informal Debt Management Plan now - what are repercussions??? What are credit card company tactics - how to respond??? Any suggestions for support?? Being made redundant in 3 months time. Whilst more complex than detailed, could another company be of use - Debt Freedirect? Not sleeping. Worried, anxious and don't know where to turn. Grateful for help and advice please.
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