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  1. A follow up to my previous mail. We had the Cascia suite which in common with the Pia and Bari has the same leather and reclining actions, therefore we must assume its from the same factory. I also got a terrible weeping rash and initially Argos said as our suite was not on their list there was nothing they could do. I wrote to Sara Weller asking for confirmation that my suite was completely safe and would not cause any medical problems, I followed this by saying that if she could not give this assurance could she please arrange an urgent removal. The suite was picked up this morning but, as this range will not be stocked any more they could not replace it but, offered another suite of the same value or a full refund. Interestingly ours was the third suite the van had collected this morning for exactly the same problem, this was only 11.00am, and the driver had been given a hazard notice which he said is normally only given out for things like lawnmowers. Very strange.
  2. Hi Thanks to this forum I now know what my problem is and got a good solicitor as a bonus. We bought two "Casia" sofas and one chair in July of this year, in the last week my back started to get itchy and now is half covered in a scaly weeping rash. I contacted Boyes Turner who said my symptoms are consistent with all other cases and they advised me to contact my doctor and Argos after which they will take my case on. I contacted Argos and after a long wait was told "Cascia" was not on their list so they would do nothing! I will be seeing a dermatologist soon and look forward to seeing Argos in court. By the way, what would my chances be in the Small Claims Court do you think? Regards Keith
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