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Everything posted by Sorterouter

  1. I have just signed the no. 10 petition. There are only 95 signatures on the petition when I signed! I am sure with all the networking we all have access to we can support Bens petition better than this, I have just sent an e-mail around my office to gather support and hopefully some people will sign up and maybe forward the e-mail on. To save you scrolling back the link is Petition to: calculate the VAT on petrol on the actual price of petrol not including duty already paid.
  2. Anyone else noticed a shortage of diesel? Had problems over the last 2 weeks with 3 different stations running out. One place told me wasn't being told anything but thought the company were buying in minium stocks because of the price keeps going up! - eh??? They just pass it on to us poor saps so surely that would only make sense if they have an idea that the pump price may have to go down again
  3. Action sounds great but what can some of us do as they have some of us by the short and curlies I moved to a more rural area as I was priced out of the Home Counties where I grew up. With Diesel in my home town going up a min of 2p per week it's getting to the point where I have to travel to keep a reasonably well paid job that pays enough for me to buy diesel to go to work! Travel by public transport - good joke! Works well if you happen to live near some that comes more than once an hour doesn't travel round half the countryside to get anywhere and connects with anything! I will happily sign any petition but boyotting stations only works if you have alternatives or can do without.
  4. Thank you TomTerm8 your help is very much appreciated. Have relayed your info to my mother and she said it is a weight lifted! Have a good day!
  5. Thanks for that NailPost - This will be an amazing help. What a fantastic website!
  6. Can anyone give me a bit of advice. I will try and keep my personal feelings about this under wrap but I guess by writing this you will understand how I feel. My brother and ex partner ran up all kinds of debts and his ex was fond of giving relatives addresses as part of achieving yet another credit card (she changed her surname by depol to our family name - nice girl eh). They have separated and he has started a new life in Australia 3 years ago - he assured us before he left that all his financial problems were sorted and that he had not left anything here that might raise it's ugly head. However, my mother is now receiving letters and phone calls from Mackenzie Hall, she has spoken to my brother and he told her he will sort it but they still continue to come to the house, so I guess he hasn't managed this (he works on the bury your head in the sand principle) My brothers new (lovely) wife is heavily pregnant and my mum does not want her to worry about this but at 76 she is taking the worry on herself, yesterday she had a call asking her to ring them urgently and another letter which stressed her so much that I had a frantic call at work. I have now decided to step in - we do know where my brother lives but do we have to tell Mackenzie Hall this or can we just say he has emigrated and we have no forwarding address. This feels wrong but at the same time don't want to be the one to cause problems between my brother and his new wife and I need to stop them trying Mum for info I have also told my mum we need to get her Experian Report and see if any bad debt/credit rating has been registered against her house and then sort this out!
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