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Posts posted by mpenn

  1. lala25

    - We originally complained that BH has overcharged us on products

    as if they are taken out on any day other than a Saturday you will pay more for the items,

    this is due to the fact that BH spread the payments over 52, 104 weeks etc



    when you take the contract out on say Tuesday you pay to the Saturday

    and the first week so in effect you are paying 2 weeks but they only count it as one.



    Then you pay a further 51 weeks. By which time you forgot that the first payment was for over a week - and BH make a nice profit.

    If you question it they fob you off saying that it was the PIF (Paid in Full) amount - rubbish they are ripping you off.


    Look at your contract(s)

    is/are the first payments you made for more than the first week i.e 1 week 3 days.

    If so complain to BH who will fob you off and give you 6 months to go to the Ombudsman.



    Then complain to the FOS that they have overcharged you, and that you had to take out the OSC and DLC

    as we all know they say you have to have them.



    Also did you ever miss a payment - if so then your DLC and OSC should have lapsed.

    If BH still continued to make you pay for them they are in breach of their own contract

    which states that if you miss a payment then the OSC and DLC lapse.



    We all know that when you make the missed payment you have to include the OSC and DLC and then continue paying them

    - BH are not allowed to do that.

    Include that and then see what the FOS says.


    For us we had all the contracts etc and could prove what we were saying.

    BH never responded to the FOS so it was found in our favour

    and received 2 cheques from them for all the OSC, DLC, Overpayments,

    8% interest from the first payment of OSC and DLC and Overpayments, and £100 for D&I.


    It is worth pursing if you have the time and energy,

    but it won't be quick as BH always take the maximum amount of time that is allowed for responding.


    We have been pursing this for about 2 years so finally paid off.


    Hope you have as much luck as we have had. If you need any assistance the peeps on here are quite brilliant :)



  2. Update


    After hours of phoning BH to find out what they were doing

    we received a cheque for £2355.42 which they said was the full and final payment



    - after telling them it wasn't

    and getting back in touch with the Ombudman

    we received another cheque for £1113.49 making a total of £3468.91

    which was all the OSC, DLC,

    Overpayments and 8% interest and £100 D&I.


    What a nice Xmas pressie :)


    It is worth pursing but may take a while for the right resolution peeps.


    Thanks CAG for all the help.



  3. Just to update on what is happening so far, decided that going straight to court was not the best option and decided to go to the Financial Ombudsman instead.


    Had a preliminary letter from them stating that they were upholding my claim, but the Ombudsman would need to make the final agreement.


    Today had an email stating that the Ombudsman is upholding our claim and we should receive a letter in the next week or two.


    Happy Days


    Also can I point out to all BH customers that if you take your agreement out on any day other than a Saturday, then YOU WILL pay more for the item. This is because they work it out eg £52 for 52 weeks = £1.00 per week. If the contract starts on a Saturday you will pay £1. If it starts on Monday you will pay £1 + £1/7*5 = £1.71 then you will pay 51 weeks at £1. So in effect you will pay £52.71 for the item. Consider that this is only for something that cost £1 a week. Each customer that doesn't claim that 71p back is lining BH pockets BEWARNED!!!


    Will update when we get the letter from the FO



  4. Following on from the closed thread, we are on 6 day of their allotted 7 days to reply and still nothing from them.


    If nothing is had by tomorrow then it will be the issuing of the court documents via the small claims court.


    Not really expecting to hear from them with a satisfactory response only the usual, sorry we don't accept what you are saying.


    Will update as and when something happens.



  5. OK cheers just from what I read it says


    I got behind with my loan which had PPI attached to it. As a result, the loan was sold to a debt collectionicon Agency and I have a notice of assignment to that effect. As my debt has been sold, who do I now claim from and what do I claim.


    This is an interesting one but you should revert to the logic that it was the original creditor or their agent who mis-soldicon the policy and therefore it is they who are your target for the reclaim.


    Surprising as it may seem, the dca has nothing to do with the policy or the sale of it. All they have is a figure that they have bought. The claim is therefore to the original lender.


    Now there is no set rule as to what goes on here but the closest logical approach is as follows.


    Prior to selling the debt, the original lender would have issued default and termination notices. It is likely that from the date of termination no further interesticon will be added to the account. There would clearly be a balance on the account otherwise there would be nothing to sell on to a dca.


    If you put yourself in the bank’s shoes what can they do about a claim that they uphold?


    Normally they would adjust the loan balance for the unpaid part of the PPI, offset the claim against any arrears on the account and refund the balance to the claimant. As they have assigned all rights etc to the dca, they can no longer interfere with the balance on the account (generally speaking).


    So what they have to do to put things right is to refund the entire premium to the claimant plus the interest they would have charged on the payments by the claimant and then plus interest on those payments by way of compensation, typically 8% statutory interest.


    They do this in the logical approach that if the dca has a figure that has been sold to them, that figure would still include some of the PPI but the bank can’t touch that. By refunding the entire premium plus the appropriate interest, they are assuming that the claimant will use that refund to pay off the dca and the bank are giving you back more than you have actually paid in order to fund that.


    Now whether the claimant has a dispute with the dca is beyond the scope of this article but this is a recent scenario that has cropped up and from the calculations we have been able to perform is an accurate representation as to what happened.


    So in this scenario you would put forward a claim for the total amount of the PPI premium plus the interest charged by the bank on the payments actually made plus the further 8% statutory interest on each payment actually made.


    In the last paragraph it says that you put the total amount of PPI premium plus the insterest charge on the payments actually made plus the 8%. But you are saying just the payments and 8%. Bit confused here as you said to refer to the link which I have, not saying that it's not right :|


    So if I am reading this correct


    So in this scenario you would put forward a claim for the total amount of the PPI premium plus the interest charged by the bank on the payments actually made plus the further 8% statutory interest on each payment actually made.


    I put the start date and the total amount of PPI, then the actual payments of PPI in the statinsheet. Can someone confirm this please.





  7. Sent a Preliminary letter and Letter Before Action. Only reply was 4 weeks ago saying that they had received our complaint and would look into it. Since then nothing except do we want to take more goods out - short answer NO. So tomorrow is the 14th day of the LBA, not expecting to hear anything between now and then, so next step would be to issue Small Claims Court proceedings. Is there anything that we need to know about in filling this out as never gone down this root before. Would be grateful if someone could let me know what the next steps in the process are.





  8. so £65.87 of each payment ACTUALLY MADE is reclaimable PPI and then theres the outstanding PPI too.



    £65.87*48=£3161.75 total insurances minus what you've paid above + 8% too!



    me thinks this will make more than they are after.





    like all daf agreements



    you got had very badly





    so how would I go about doing this? really not sure how it gets worked out





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