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  1. Yes it is just the 1 charge for £28 but the bank refused to shift. The person at counter said she may be able to help and had a look through my account but seemed unclear about what action to take. So a lady from the office came over and they both looked through the account and i could see on their faces that they knew it was excessive based on the small amount i went overdrawn by. Then she said its in the terms and conditions. I said well i was hoping i could get it reduced. She said why should you get it reduced its in the terms. I said well im happy to pay a small charge but not the full amount. She said well its in the terms so theres nothing we can do. She said and there will be further charges so and then walked off. What annoys me is actually not the charge but the unwillingness of the bank staff to be flexible or to bend even a little. They know its an unreasonable amount but she couldnt care less. This charge has pushed me overdrawn again and now i will incur a further charge.
  2. Sorry ive just read the sticky on contact details however is it still advisable to write to the local branch.
  3. Im about to start a new claim against an unauthorised overdraft charge which has placed me back overdrawn and facing further charges. I have been reading the guide to reclaiming but have a question about who to send the letters to. Do I write to the local branch where i do my day to day banking or is there a head office i should be sending complaints. I didnt have much success when i tried talking to one of my employees of my local halifax about my charge so any help would be appreciated.
  4. Thanks for the link scott. Ive been reading through the steps outlined. I will send a prelimanary letter but is this to be addressed to the local branch where i carry out my day to day banking or a head office
  5. I have recently incurred a charge of £28 for an unauthorised overdraft. I tried a polite method of going to my bank and requesting a solution. I even offered to pay a reduced amount but not the full amount. Both responses were met with no, sorry its in the terms and conditions. Then i was told that i need to pay and further charges would also be added to my account, because the resulting charge has left me £-28 overdrawn in total. So im currently £-28 overdrawn with a further £-28 charge to come and i can see this spiralling because i cant pay the full amounts in full at moment. All this from going overdrawn by £5.00. I would appreciate any advice on dealing with this before it gets out of control and to a point where i owe hundreds.
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