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  1. there was a comment above in relation to a policy only being for 25 years. As already pointed out, the danger time for chancel repair will end after October 2013 as chancel repair liabilities will cease to be what's called an overriding interest at that stage. Your conveyancer or solicitor should be routinely doing chancel repair liability searches as they are potentially negligent if they do not. There is still a degree of lack of knowledge on this, even within the profession. There is an expectation (but no legal obligation) that a seller will fund the insurance premium required to cover the buyer and their mortgagee and indeed their successors (future buyers). The £45 policy quoted above sounds cheap and probably only covers the buyers. Far better to have successors covered too as otherwise this point will come up again if you sell before 2013 and you will be asked to fund the policy at that stage. It is of course possible that the policies will get more expensive if the Church atively starts registering its interests. Finally, make sure that you keep the policy documentation safe!
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