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Everything posted by wendfd

  1. Hi Its a photocopy of the original and the terms are separate. Its actually my husbands policy and theres a good chance they may have telephoned him to sell him the insurance and added the tick. (although they deny this in their letter) He is self employed so the insurance would not be worth having. I cancelled it a year or so later when I realised he was paying it. I am going to write back and complain and threaten to go to the OFT
  2. I have just has a reply from Capital One regarding the mis sold PPI I was claiming. They sent me a copy of my original form and said that I had ticked the box which asks for insurance. The "tick" in question looks nothing like all the other ticks on the form. It is a straight line where as I do a proper tick, it is at a different angle and its either a thicker pen or heavier hand. Would they have put this tick there themselves? I am pretty sure it wasn't me as I make a habit of not taking up the insurance. I didn't really notice at the time but did cancel it after a year or so as I am self employed an no it would be know good trying to make a claim.
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