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Everything posted by yidarmy

  1. Thanks for the reply. The first letter is going off recorded today. This is for the smaller, second loan I took. I’m still waiting on documents of my original loan from Lloyds which I took out and the details of the refinance job. The lady at the call centre at first said that she couldn’t send me details of the original loan as they didn’t have it on record. I then said that by law they must have all relevant documents relating to my account for the past 6 years and it’s in fact illegal to have disposed of them any earlier. She kept me on hold for 5 minutes then said she’d have it all sent out to me last Friday, so I’m still waiting for them. I can then type out my letter when I have the loan agreement and the refinance 18 months later in front of me in black and white. They don’t call it PPI, they call it LPI (Loan Protection Insurance) which I gather is the same thing. I’ll revert back on this thread when I get a response from Lloyds. I’ve always found them to be quite efficient. For example, when I was paying off my credit card they had taken my payments as a month behind because of the date I had the direct debit coming out of my account. I discussed this with an advisor and had all late payments returned to my account. Any LPI/PPI backdated payments I get back I’ll just get taken off my loan anyway.
  2. Strange one – but can’t see how you or your insurance are liable for this as DVLA records prove. The insurance is taken out under your name and if it’s your name on the policy no one else can use your policy – that’s a criminal offence. It seems insurance companies as I’ve found out with cars, have no common sense whatsoever. I would speak to the person you sold the car to. Find out more details of the accident and tell them that they are making you and your insurance company liable. As far as I’d be concerned, your policy is for YOU and YOUR CAR. It’s not your car now and it wasn’t you who was driving. I’m sure you’d win in a court of law. I can’t see any logical reason for you to be liable for something which doesn’t concern you. In fact, how do your insurance company even know about the accident? At a scene of an accident, both parties exchange contact details. So how your insurance company has been brought into the equation I don’t know?
  3. I hope this is the right section! If not I apologise and could a mod kindly move it. Basically I’ve recently bought an LCD TV from Comet. I opted to go with their Total Product Cover which I think is around ~£200. This will cover my TV for 3 years which I wanted. For the sake of £200 I’d rather be safe than sorry. I read the front of the policy and it all seemed good – they will even cover accidental breakage. However, upon closer inspection on the rear of the insurance certificate it says that it does not cover against “neglect, misuse or abuse”. Now I find it quite a contradiction to covering “accidental breakage” – it even says covers against accidental breakage even if it is the consumer’s fault. However, where would this stand me if the TV was accidentally dropped or pushed over? I’ve got a little brother and sister who love watching the TV and playing their Nintedo Wii on it. I’ve only had the TV a matter of 6-8 weeks but already had a few close calls already with it (Wii controller narrowly missed the panel). Could anyone try to clear this up for me? Obviously I will look after the TV (It’s almost £1500!!!), but I don’t want to be left out of pocket if it was accidentally damaged by myself or my siblings. Many thanks again in advance.
  4. Good morning guys, Lovely Monday morning – not! (Weather is miserable down in the SE!). Anyway, I have a couple of loans with Lloyds TSB. The first one I drew out when I got my first job to buy a car. Having to go into the branch and get the loan, my hand was forced into taking PPI due to my age, the loan amount & my relatively small salary. I don’t remember signing anything to do with PPI, but I remember being told I had to have it to help get the loan in the first place. This loan was refinanced about 18 months later, again, PPI was put on the loan yet I don’t believe PPI was discussed that time around. I then took another loan out last December over the phone. PPI seemingly automatically put on the loan. As I’ve got a credit card I use from Lloyds, now 2 loans and considering my age and relative salary I guess they saw/see me as “high risk” – however, I have always made the payments, always and have a credit score to prove it from Experian. Only having seen GMTV the other morning (as I’d imagine a few others have too) did I then dig out my loan documents to find out about this PPI. I was a bit naïve about it previously – but I can’t believe how much PPI actually is!!! For example, on the smaller loan I drew out end of last year, I pay ~£128 a month, of which ~£30 of that is PPI. I have another loan which is £310/month which I guess PPI must be at least £60/month. Sounds incredibly steep for an insurance which is there in case you lose your job – I’m sure it puts pressures on people taking out loans due to so much outgoings with ridiculous interest rates you’re more likely to lose your job paying the PPI Lloyds offer!!! Anyway I have 2 letters going out regarding the 2 loans claiming I was mis-sold the policy for the salesperson’s gain and having my age and naivety exploited. At the very least I will have no further PPI on future payments, but I also hope to get my PPI refunded. Anyone had any success at getting PPI payments made? Especially from bank loans? Thanks in advance guys.
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