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Everything posted by Ripped-off-by-Esporta

  1. Update to earlier blogs - I wrote a lengthy letter to Esporta and Trevor Munn challenging them to actually take me to court and I received a letter from Tervor Munn saying they had spoken to Esporta, who had confirmed I still owed a fictitious sum of money. The very next day I had a letter from Esporta head office saying they'd dropped the case and informed ARC/Trevor Munn...... ARC/Trevor Munn were blatantly lying to me, and in writing! Thus proving that Trevor Munn is not a solicitor who'll go to court. but make sure your case is solid, just in case the law society looks into his lack of action (he might HAVE to go to court just to appear to be a real solicitor). For several months they harassed me with letters and phone calls threatening to take me to court if I didn't crack under their pressure, but all along they weren't even being directed by the company who wanted their 'debt' paid. And all along they had no intention of taking me to court - shame, I would have enjoyed watching them write me a large cheque for my freelance consultancy fee plus expenses for taking time off to beat them in court. Just be persistent with them and keep writing to whichever company put these dogs on to you until THEY crack under the pressure.
  2. Thankyou for that info - it's a relief to know I will at least fight on home turf - easier on the expenses. Still, I am very doubtful of them pursuing it much further, but I'm going to get a real solicitor to write to them clearly pointing out how much it will cost them when they lose the case.
  3. I can't offer help, but I am in the same situation. I am currently at the stage where Trevor Munn are sending the 'County court claim preparation' letter stage. I don't know why they use a court in Northampton as they are based in Walton on Thames, but it sounds like they'll never actually go to court anyway. Sending doorstep collectors after threatening proper legal action is a sign that they are not professional lawyers. In brief, my situation is this: Knowing I couldn't sign up for 12 months (self employed contractor) to Esporta in Swansea, I asked if I could quit sooner than the full term and I was promised by their salesman Steve Doran that I could. This was a lie, which has since been endorsed in writing by their Finance Director!!! I am left with them chasing me for £502 for the rest of the 12 months, despite the facts that I quit 4months in to the contract, and the max term you need to pay for is 9 months (the min 6 plus the ludicrous 3 month notice period) - so they can't even get the amount right. I had a letter from the MD of Esporta countering his own Finance Director, who passed the buck back to the gym itself in Wales, and demanding money that I don't owe. I wrote with proof of relocation to my home town which has no Esporta gym nearby and they now claim they haven't seen it - so my account is still active - but they are writing to me at that address. I just spoke to ARC/TMunn and they now claim a different figure is owed and they have no record of their own letter quoting a smaller figure, at which point I lost the will to waste my life worrying about these idiots. I will produce their own letters in court and they won't have a leg to stand on. The gym in Swansea is now pursuing me for another random amount.... will this just go on forever!? So, I am seeking legal advice, but am happy to go to court as Esporta, ARC and Trevor Munn(same company as ARC by the way) are so grossly incompetent that I am 100% certain of winning. The only issue is they probably won't pay my daily rate and expenses now that they're in administration. The FSA are not interested in regulating the Esporta finance agreement as they say (as indeed Esporta do) that it is not a credit agreement.....SO WHY AM I BEING HARRASSED FOR NOT PAYING IT THEN? I also forwarded the complaint to BBCs Watchdog and the Financial Ombudsmen. Watchdog didnt reply - couldn't be bothered, but might now that Esporta is in administration - so send your letters in to them. The Financial Ombudsmen said they'd bear it in mind, if they received hundreds more complaints! Some help! So, I look forward to going to court, but will ignore the current harrassment from Trevor Munn. Please everyone - Stand up and fight these idiots - they are just bullies and have seriously poor legal backing. Trevor Munn doesn't exist as a company - see Companies House website. He's an in-house bodger for ARC. HAS ANYONE ACTUALLY EVER GONE TO COURT WITH THEM??? I'd love to know as I am willing to fight them.
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