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  1. Thank you ! and thank you for the Links Too ! Two otehr people I know have heard an earful about this already. They have already began digging up thier statements hehehe Word traveled fast I suppose... Yeah ok I talked my wife having a Good read of the website and she called her sister hehehe Amazing... Nuzzling around the Success stories is pretty awe-inspiring to say the least. THANKS Dave
  2. Well Well Well . . . Dave Here.. and am I Impressed. There are some really strong people out here who seem to have done what I never thought anyone could do. Get a Bank to give in. Ya'll just a moden day Robin Hood Crew! Seriously Impressive. I am 39 married with children relocated to UK because my Brit wife wanted to return. I'm just a normal guy... with a Nat West STEP account - that what the starter one is called? Solo card and no OD etc. Got that because I wasnt on the Role 3+ years ago A few years later I was able to open a big boy account with a Switch Card.. oooh impressive Me eh? Everything was going through the Little Account... no OD or CC on it.. just if there was money in it, I could take it out. Then I got it in my head that I wanted a mobile phone. -insert haunting organ music here- Tied that to the new account.. but I was afraid to switch everything over.. wages...rent... phone all that good stuff that eats half my wages on one day. I delayed... fed the other account as I could but slowly slipped behind and the £100 OD got used up and now the bank says I owe them £400. Not much activity on the account.. I use the little one really... I suppose not having the £100+ to pay off the OD due to a few circumstances... a bit scared of the whole thing... well.. I finally went in to talk to Nat West.. and they pretty much said.. Nope, Those are the charges.. would you like to pay it now? A burger and wander around town with my boys later.... I got on the internet and had a nose around.. Here I landed.. WHOA! You all Impress me. There are some really great -though sad at first- stories here. I just had to post and congratulate you all for your efforts and thank you for passign your experience and knowledge. I have sat here for over an hour reading and still going strong lol Money matters bore the heck out of me... it is the last thing I want to think about but I have no intention of paying a few hundred to Nat West because they want me to. You all have got me thinking of letters I need to draft to at least have them take away the £38 a month I have been charged. I dont mind paying my debts...- well later then I should have I am at fault there...- but you guys have shown me that charges on top of charges just are not ok and the banks can do Better! Many Thanks for the Good Reading here.. Dave
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