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  1. AN UPDATE FOR YOU ALL!! Been on phone to customer services. No help whatsoever. Say I have to go into branch yet again to discuss closed account. Won't give any indication as to whether money has been received or sent back etc. I can't get in touch with unit admin office at all, looks like everyone is still on leave. Now not enough time to sort anything, as away early tomorrow. As you can imagine I'm absolutely hopping!!! Thanks to you all for all advice given. Will keep in touch if I can get access to a computer while I'm away. Soldierboy
  2. HI, just checked in, to see if anyone read my ranting and raving this am. In answer to questions - let's see if I can get hang of this quote thing: :idea: Did the bank close the old account without actually informing you? Can your payroll issue you with a cheque, possibly they will need confirmation from the bank that this is a dead account. Thanks for your advice Rory 32. I shall have to leave the complaint procedure one in Mum's capable hands as I shall be away possibly til end of the year. I did get a letter, probably April time, saying they intended to close account, which is why I was so paranoid and went to the branch before joining my unit. As mentioned, on three different occasions and since I've got back, same branch told me there was no problem. Is there a debt on this accoutn or has the account just been closed? Hi Gizmo 111, yep, a tv licence direct debit bounced and they stuck charges on the account. Didn't have money to bring it back into black. All DDs cancelled at that time as I knew it would probably cause problems for me. The "Daily Mail" is red hot on both inefficient banks and bad treatment of our armed forces. b) Hone bayonet to ultra-sharpness of tip and hold in close proximity to the Manager's rectum. He should now see your point as well as feel it touching cloth! Vandermerwe, my mate, I could have quite happily done more than that yesterday, I can tell you! I'm seriously giving thought to your first idea though. This will help with the cash shortage for now. Contact your unit admin office, explain the situation to them they should be able to authorise and EPIC (early payment in cash) formely AR payment. This can be collected at a unit in your local area, this is obvioulsy subject to your unit agreeing to this and the other unit. As you know yo will have to budget for the EPIC next month Livelylad, it's been another afternoon of phone calls! Have to see if money is in holding account or been sent back tomorrow. Depends on this apparrently as to whether or not I can try your advice. Could have done with a few more days to get all sorted. I should be enjoying final day with my two small kids instead of running around like a blue a---- fly!! Think I've answered everyones questions. Appreciate all the advice. I'll let you know tomorrow what is happening.
  3. Hi, Have arrived at this site through recommendation of my Mother who has received loads of help from forum members. Just want to offload my anger somewhere and see what comments anyone might have. Got into financial difficulties last year after leaving the armed forces. Came out with a bit of debt, which had until that time been quite manageable. Anyway, back in civie street and unable to find work, so debts increased. At the time, I opened up a further basic bank account with the Abbey, which I had been advised to do. Admittedly, very rarely was anything in the account. After a year of worry and lots of hassle from some very mean debt collection agencies, I joined back up. On three different occasions, I went to my local branch to ensure that the account would still be active, so that my salary could be paid in. "Oh yes, no problem there":rolleyes: I was told. Guess what, get to my barracks abroad, go for money on pay day and can't access it! Loads of hassle but eventually get enough to come home on leave. Go to local branch, beginning of 2weeks leave. Told there's no problem with the account blah blah blah - must have put wrong pin number in!! Ongoing saga continues, until staff member tries card with me. Then advised to contact customer services, where I am told that the account is now closed and I will have to go down to branch and open another one. Absolutely furious at this point, but ask politely if the old account could be reopened as I have salary going into that account on 31st and need to be able to leave money for partner and children, as well as being able to see to self in readiness for deployment overseas within next two weeks! Again told to go to local branch. Go down, to be told I will need to see bank manager who is having his lunch. To go back in half an hour with id. Outcome - new basic account. Nothing further could be done!! Not even offered an apology for the wrong info having been given on every occasion visited branch. If I hadn't been so desperate to have an account with so little time left (go back Saturday), I would have gone elsewhere. So, then spent rest of afternoon, chasing main payroll to find out if they could pay into new account. Lo and behold - pay already processed and on its way to old account where it could be put in a holding account or sent back. Either way, can't access any of the money, so won't be able to leave anything with my family, and in turn bills won't be paid this month. Would be grateful for any thoughts on this. I know I'm away shortly, but would really like to object to how all this was dealt with. However, I'm unsure of where it should possibly go, and I'm not great at being able to word an appropriate letter. Maybe one of you has come accross sometning similar? Anyway thanks for letting me vent my frustration. Soldierboy
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