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  1. This topic was closed on 11 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. this is their last chance!! the only reason i sent another letter was that i stupidly didn't send my second one recorded delivery, so if it had gone to court, they could easily have said they didn't get it which i think would have looked bad for me IYSWIM??? trying my best to look like the level headed, fair & reasonable party here!
  4. OK update on the Monument claim.....sent prelim & got the standard "sorry you're not happy we'll get back to you in 6 weeks"......then within the 14 days got another letter offering me 50% of my claim.....thought it over & sent a letter saying that I would accept this as a partial refund, but wanted the rest too & would hold fire for 14 more days to allow them to reconsider, and asking them to provide a full breakdown of costs incurred if they were to persist with their lie that their charges are a fair representation of costs actually borne by them....and have heard nothing from them since!!my account is now back in proper order, but there has been no refund.....so I wrote to them (the second letter wasn't sent recorded- slap on the wrist for that!!), saying that as I had not received either a refund or any correspondence from them, I assume that my previous letter did not reach them, and I am prepared to allow a further 14 days before taking the court action....did I do the right thing & does anyone think I will ever see my money again, or have I just made an absolute **** up???
  5. Rang Monument the other day to let them know when they could expect a payment this month, & asked if they would please remove my telephone number from their system, as i am currently getting a minimum of five calls a day during my work time, and much as i like my workmates, i do not want them to hear discussions of my personal details! the guy on the phone said they could do that but would then "pass [my] details on to a third party, who will use other methods to determine your telephone number":confused: ...now for one thing, surely this defeats the purpose of me asking them to remove my number, for another can they do this if I don't agree (data protection implications??), and is this really strictly legal??? they only have my mobile number as i told them i don't have a landline!!:grin:
  6. just about to send the prelim letter to monument, they have really peed me off recently with their never ending phonecalls asking when they will get a payment...I've calculated that they owe me £672 on a balance of just under a grand (ie almost two thirds of my "debt" with them is from their charges!! bloody cheek!!) Wish me luck folks!!
  7. I am considering claiming late & over limit charges from Sainsbury's, Monument & Capital One and am NI resident. Do I have to claim through the courts here, or can I claim in the English/Scottish courts, as this is where the offices of these banks are? No one really seems sure of the procedure for NI claims, and for various reasons (work etc) I would prefer not to have a claim go through the court system here, if I can submit a claim via HMCS instead... Can anyone advise the best way to proceed??
  8. i think i have my all my statments, the account has only been open about 3 years, and i'm a geek like that!! Thanks for your fast response!
  9. Does anyone know the address to send a preliminary letter to Sainsbury's bank re credit card charges reclaim? I believe they are part of bank of scotland, but i'm not sure? Sorry if this has been posted before, i'm new to all this!!
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