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Everything posted by PANCHO

  1. I dont know if any of you red my post on A HFO agent from South Africa Leaving a message on my phone answering service Threatening me with baliffs and them taking Goods of 5 times the value of my alleged Debt 0f £500 on a Barclay card I had ppp in place and by the time they decided to pay on the ppp interest rose to a further £548 I refused to pay and for 2 years they harrassed me untill this Guy leaving the message on my Phone I am a musician an have a small studio oin the house I recorded the message and sent it to the MD @ Barclay Headoffice and also to themselfs and TS ,Barclay replied almost By return and said they were shocked at the content of the phone call and recalled the debt from them and decided to cancel out the So called debt I did say in the letter to them iwas going to sue under the Data protection act been broken ,It is a happy ending so far .The first thing i done was to ring HFO for the name of their MD I was asked why i want his name and i Replied i was about to sue him and needed a Name It felt good for the shoe to be on the other foot,I hope some of you can resolve your problems with them also ,Pancho
  2. Hi , I have read with interest the articles about how HFO Opreates .I also have been having trouble with them for over 2 years, here is a letter i drafted I am now waiting their responce. The Silly Guy from Sout Africa left a message on my answer phone, I will keep you all informed Pancho Dear Sir/Madam re: Account With BARCLAYCARD HFO Case No: Amount Owing £000. A Complaint has been made to Birmingham Trading Standards As to the manner in the way you are & your agents pursuing Mr. xxxxx as regards Above I will advise that under Section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970,Under the Judgment Enforcement An offense is Committed when a person uses certain methods to try to force another to pay an alleged debt i,e, It is unlawful for a person to harass someone with demands for payment in a way that is calculated to subject him/his family to "alarm,distress or humiliation Which includes the frequency manner or occasion of the demand and any threat that accompanies it. On Wednesday night at 8,15 PM a call was received by Mrs.xxxxxxx and threats were made to her, On Friday five phone calls were made in the space of 1/2 an hour resulting in this message been left on the phone answering service (Message on enclosed CD) Under the DATA Protection Act 1998 Chapter 29 SCHEDULE 3 Paragraph 4 (d) Rules have been abused The history of this alleged debt goes back to Barclay Insurance (Ireland) who paid the card debt of just over £500:Which was the limit, in the time that it took them to accept responsibility interest accumulated on the account which Mr.xxxxxx disputes and would gladly like to have it resolved in the Courts,and will counter claim for the unlawful and frequent phone calls also the message left which breaks the code of conduct of the Data protection act & stress caused to him and family members.Mr xxxxxx has Isonic Heart disease and these aggressive calls by a certain Mr. Williams bring on angina attacks. A letter of complaint will be sent to the Md of Barclays Bank Plc I have also Instructed Phone Provider BT to supply me with all the calls made by your agents Please see to it that these phone calls and demands stop immediately. Your sincerely xxxxxxxxxx -------------------------
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