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  1. It says "Road Traffic Act 1991 (As ammended)" but doesn't say which section. Try this link... ImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing It was right near the end of a residential road but wasn't in front of anyone's property. Thanks for the response.
  2. Yesteday I received a £100 fine for parking adjacent to a dropped footway. There were no parking restriction signs, yellow or red lines or meters. Surely this offence is far less serious than say parking on a double yellow line etc and therefore deserves a less serious fine. The link below is to the PCN they issued. Is this valid? Are they justified in issuing me with the ticket? PCN I've just noticed that they haven't put in the act and section they are issuing the ticket under? Is that a requirement? I'd really appreciate any help anyone can give. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the prompt reply. It was a penalty charge notice issued by Hounslow council for "parking in a residents or shared use parking place without clearly displaying either a permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place" (contravention 12).
  4. I recently had my car repaired and had to remove the car parking permit so it didn't get stolen. I then forgot to place the permit back in the window and subsequently got a ticket. Surely if I've already paid £500 odd pounds for a permit and they have a record of when the permit was bought and the period of validity they know I am actually allowed to park there. Is there any grounds to appeal against the PCN? Thanks for your help.
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