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Everything posted by pupil

  1. Hi again Brucey and Fincal Have either of you received any paperwork from the bank? I haven't and I don't know what the significance is. I also have not received any offer letters Brucey. It would be just my luck to be one of the few who has to go the whole way in court etc. Feel so guilty about the trees ! Have you heard of any wins/losses at Bristol?
  2. Hi Brucey and Fincal Spoke to case manager at court today. She was really helpful but said that I should have sent papers to SM and C. However when I asked if that meant the case would be struck out she said no - because I had fulfilled my side of sending papers to the other party i.e. the bank - but I still had to send to SM and C. Did so today by special delivery
  3. the deadline for my court papers was today. I haven't received anything from the bank. Do you think that this means that they are not going to turn up in court, turn up but use the papers that I have sent to them to argue their case or just argue their case without papers?
  4. Thanks for this MrShed. I really do not know how to advise my son and other med students. They are stressed out preparing for exams at the moment and when they finish they only have a three week holiday before they are back on the wards. Not long enough to find another place for all of them.
  5. Hi everone. I have been asked to send a guarantor letter to my son's landlord for the rent. Can anyone direct me to a foolproof template which will not involve me signing my life away? I do not trust the landlord and suspect that he will try to keep my son's(and his housemates') deposit. I do not wish too end up paying the final month'srent if the kids need to withhold it to get their money back.
  6. hi there. Rang the court today and spoke to case manager. She was very helpful and said that I should have sent bundle to solicitor and not to bank headquarters. She told me that I needed to send a copy to the solicitor as well. WhenI asked her if the case would be struck out because it was out of time she said no because I had met my obligation in terms of sending material to the other party. It has now gone off (another tree bites the dust!) by special delivery. In terms of what was in it - I felt that I could go on adding stuff forever so I made the decision to use what had been originally suggested and make sure that I really understand the arguments and where to find the answers/evidence in the paperwork in case I am asked any question. feel a long night with highlighter pen coming on. However this will be next week when I might have a chance of remembering what I need to be able to say. Good luck with you claim pupil
  7. Thanks for this Mr Shed. You are probably right. Any ideas about how to stop this landlord adding insult to injury by running off with their deposit? Pupil
  8. Can anybody help on this one? My son is a medical student and rents a house with 4 others. The council have ruled that rooms have to be of a certain size for renting. My son's room is smaller than the specified size. However they have also said that if a room is already occupied and the tenant is happy the work does not have to be completed in the lifetime of that tenancy. The Landlord however has decided that he wants to go ahead with the work ( which involves knocking down walls) and this work will, apparently take about 3 weeks. My son and the others have asked the landlord not to do the work. Failing to get an agreement they have pointed out that he should be prepared to accomodate them elsewhere during this period or waive their rent. The landlord has responded by telling them that he does not want to deal with 'greedy people' and that he will terminate their contrabt after 6 months. they have just signed a contract for 12 months but it has a clause that says it can be terminated after 6 months. This will cause major difficulties for the young people who are up to their eyeballs in exam, clinicals etc. Can he use such bullying tactics with impunity? If anyone can advise I would be really grateful. All this is clashing with exams and adding stress that they just do not need.se
  9. It's a nightmare and if I win this case I will definitely be asking for costs of time, paper etc. I have not worried too much about the order as I am relying on the contents page to be fairly self explanatory to anyone who wishes to read the papers - which I am not convinced they will. Really wish I had sent the stuff to SM and C though or got a response saying it was OK to send to the bank's headquarters.
  10. Thanks for your support Brucey. You too fincal. Hope we all win. Was feeling relieved to have completed bundle but now feeling anxious again. Pupil
  11. Hi Gary H. As you are viewing this - have I made a goof? I sent court bundle to bank's head office i.e. LloydsTSB, Gresham Street. Now feeling very sick as don't have time to get a new bundle copied and sent to SC and M by deadline which is tomorrow. Very poorly pupil!
  12. Hi Brucey and Nicsussex, I did send bundle to banks's reg office because I have never had any correspondence with SC and M and I thought that I didn't have an address for them. Have just checked and I do have the address at the bottom of the court letter. Now feeling very sick. Will phone the court tomorrow and explain what I have done and take advice. Sad Pupil.
  13. Hi Brucey. Hope I've sent bundle to correct place I sent it too registered address of bank in London. I wish I could make Lloyds pay for all the time, effort not to mention paper and ink that is going into preparing for a 5 minute hearing! Pupil
  14. Hi Christinajanep, The wording was: The hearing of the claim will take place at 10.00 on the 6 August 2007 at Bristol County Court Lewinsmead, Bristol, BS1 2NR and should take no longer than 5 minutes. Please note that your case has been listed with other appointments in a block list. As a consequence it may not commence at the ecaxt allocated time. This practise enables earlier hearing date to be given and avoids lost time due to late settlements and parties not attending. The court must be informed immediately if the case is settled by agreement before the hearing date. Each party shall deliver to every other party and to the court office copies of all documents (including any experts' report) on which he intends to rely at the hearing no later than 14 days before the hearing. The original documents shall be brought to the hearing.
  15. Hi everyone. Thanks to Gary for helping a technophobe to start a thread. i have been allocated 5 minutes for a court hearing. I am worried that it will not be enough time to put my case. I have taken a lot of care with my court bundle but I am worried that it will not be enough. Anyone else out there been through this?
  16. yes,6th August Bristol
  17. Re: Brucey vs. Lloyds Might see you on 6th August at Bristol. Have had identical letters. No AQ etc. Rang court they said AQ often dispensed with for bank charges cases
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