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Russell Crowe

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Everything posted by Russell Crowe

  1. Hi I have never posted on this site but have found it helpful so thought I would let people know that I have just cancelled my contract with Three with no charges incurred Woo Hoo! I am now a very happy Three customer. My issue was that within my house the mobile signal is constantlly switching between 3 and Orange, which is fine but it uses up the phone battery big time (I had been with 3 for nearly 3 years but only recentlly found out why my phones had such a poor battery life) so I phoned them up and tried to cancel within my 14 day trial and then they say "have you personalised the phone?" which means "did you put the sim in it"? I say yes and they say that I cant return it. My written contract doesnt mention this clause but apparenttly they play you a recorded message that says this but I didnt really listen to it. So I have written lots of letters to the CEO (Kevin Russell) and to the customer services in Glasgow but still havent recieved a reply. Someone did leave me a message over the weekend wanting to talk to me about my account so I phoned back today and of course I am talking to someone in India, I tell him the same old things and he says I will have to pay the early termination fee (over £400 in my case) so I said i wanted to speak to his manager and he told me the manager will say the same thing but I insisted anyway, the manager comes on, I describe my problem and make it crystal clear that it is a network fault and not a phone fault and low and behold he cancels it for me! So my advice is ASK FOR A MANAGER! then things get done. Also anyone coming to the end of their contract and is happy with theyre phone and service just tell them you cant afford it and eventually they will offer you something very very cheap just to keep your business. My mate now pays £30 per year for 500 minutes and 100 texts on a twelve month contract! So for anyone who is having poor battery life and doesent know why or if your coming to the end of your contract and would like to pay a lot less money this could be very useful.
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