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  1. And that twist is...IM A RETAILER! BWAHAHA! I've been lurking for a while and have found the posts very informed on this forum and thats why as a supplement to a question submitted to Trading Standards and the DTI, I though someone here might have prior knowledge. Scenario: Customer returns a PC component (lets say a CPU) and informs the retailer that it is faulty. The retailer then asks the customer to sign for the item to be booked in. This entails the customer writing themselves what the problem is and signing off on it. Checks (and any subsequent repairs) may take up to 3 days normally. If a replacement is needed it would be 6 days at the outside befiore it arrived. Goods were all bought in store. Goods have been returned with all accessories and proof of purchase (Purchased 5 months ago). So far so good. Problem: Customer refuses to allow CPU to be tested. Demands immediate replacement. We inform the customer that a machine will be free in about 60 minutes and we will begin testing. We will then supply a brand new CPU the instant we see a fault. We do explain that it may take up to 48 hours to find the fault. Customer refuses to accept this. Solution????? As a retailer, I dont really want to do a straight swap (I'll elaborate more if anyone cares to ask ) as if the CPU is NOT faulty, I can no longer sell it as new and will have to reduce it as second hand to get rid of it. However, I would ideally like to help this customer out. Has anyone came across, as either a customer,
  2. Hells, I'M a retailer and can assure you that, yes, we can be dicks, but generally we try to be dicks within the extent of the law. We certainly do not try to hide behind the fact that English isn't our first language while at the same time try to quote an act of parliament whose meaning and application are inherently defined by how it is phrased in English. This guy is priceless!
  3. Good sirs, I do not think I have ever been so amused by the rantings of a barrack room lawyer in my life. While this site does a sterling job of highlighting both consumer and retailer rights (in a quite balanced manner too!) I have had a bloody good laugh at retailerpointofview post for the past hour throughout this forum. My two cents worth on this "discussion"; Do you think, retailpointofview, that maybe your lack of communication skills and tenuous grasp of the English language might make you the worst possible candidate to espouse consumer law?
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