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Everything posted by wriches

  1. Haha, what idiots. Great letter Rory, you must have been tempted to hand deliver it to see the looks on their faces as they read it!
  2. Hi everyone, The following is my current predicament, any help greatly appreciated. About 6 months ago I got a phone on an 18 month contract with 3. It was crashing at first, but got a lot worse. I had no insurance on it but 3 offer a service where they replace your phone within 30 days if it breaks (or maybe 60 days, can't remember) so I phoned them and they pretty much refused to fix it. I needed a phone and as a bit of an impulse I took out another 18 month contract. I took out insurance on this one and this one packed in after about a month too! The insurance had £100 excess which is ridiculous, and again 3 refused to do anything. I'd had enough of paying for 2 broken phones, and I'd just moved house without telling 3 my new address, so I decided to just cancel both direct debits with my bank and throw both phones away. My post has been getting forwarded to me at my new address by Royal Mail so I know everything that's going on - I've had tonnes of letters from 3, then a few debt collection letters threatening legal action for the remaining cost of the contracts if I don't pay. I've been chased up by debt collection before for £80 I owed to Paypal (I got scammed on ebay and refused to pay), and they threatened court action but nothing happened. However I doubt they will drop this one as the remaining price of the contract is going to be somewhere near £500! I absolutely refuse to pay something that I shouldn't owe out of principle. Also, I am a poor student and I couldn't pay even if I wanted to! Do I have a chance in court with this? Even if I did I wouldn't be able to afford any legal fees. Any ideas? Thanks a lot, Will
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