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  1. Hi, Last year in May i SORN my old SAAB 900 car and parked it in the rear drive of my house, to be honest i have been really busy and it just sat there, however we had severe gales in late Jan and the fence between my house and next door blew down and debris got strewn all over the garden and a panel managed to smash the windscreen of the parked SAAB We had to move the SAAB into a communal parking area at the rear of the house in order to make the garden safe and erect a new fence,,,,,,you guessed it,,,,the DVLA came and clamped the car. We paid £200 to free the car (it was only there for 4 days) and had it placed back into the garden. I then get a letter from the DVLA asking if I had re taxed the car, i replied "no" and before you know it Im in court for no road tax!! I live between two police inspectors, as i pointed out to the DVLA do you think they would want an untaxed car being parked outside their house for over a year, but still they continued to procecute. Today i have pleaded guilty to keeping the car on the highway with a full letter, we will see what happens in the future. Since this date the SAAB has been sold and is now fully taxed and back on the road.
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