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Everything posted by Andagha

  1. Hi, I hope someone can help me. Basically what has happened is I have made two payments to MeritForce, for a Simply Be account, using their account details they gave me, via the internet and only paid the second payment a week ago. I have an agreement with them to say I will pay them £10.00 each month which I have been doing since January. Now what I don't understand is I got a letter in the post over the weekend from Cabot Financial saying that they recently bought the account that I held with Simply Be. I thought Meritforce had this account as they have all the details etc... I'm now even more confused as it looks like MeritForce haven't received my payments, even though I have details on my bank account saying they went over. So who on earth is the account with and what do I do now? I'm also in receipt of IB and DLA for severe Mental Health problems, and yes this did cause me to go a bit "bonkers" if you understand what I mean. I have read the Mental Health Guidelines and am even more confused. Do I send a letter off to Cabot explaining that I was under the understanding that MeritForce had this account and that I am in receipt of these benefits for Mental Health problems? Oh I also got a copy of a letter from JDWilliams saying they had passed it to Cabot enclosed with the Cabot letter. Help?
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