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  1. Today, I have received the following: General Form of Judgement or Order. This states that before the District Judge, and upon the courts own motion. The court has made this order of its own initiative without a hearing. If you object to the order, you must make an application to have it set aside, varied or stayed within 7 days of receiving it. IT IS ORDERED THAT upon it appearing to the court that: (a) a test case has been issued in the High Court between the Office Of Fair Trading and certain banks with a view to determining issues of legal principle in relation to the recovery of charges made on bank current accounts and the applicability of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations and other legislation to such charges (b) further information in realtion to the test case is likely to be available through the website of the Office Fair Trading at The Office of Fair Trading: making markets work well for consumers © the issues raised in the test case will affect this claim It is ordered that 1. This claim is stayed until further order with a view to awaiting the final decision in the test case shall be interpreted as the outcome of any appeal or the expiry of time for permission to appeal the first instance decision. 2. The defendant shall within 28 days of the final decision in the test case file at court and serve on the claimant: (a) a case summary of not more than 500 words setting out the effect of that decision; (b)their proposed directions in this claim. 3. Upon receipt of the documents set out at paragraph 2 of this order the file be referred to a resident District Judge to consider further directions. 4. Either party may apply at any time, by application on notice in accordance with the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 Part 23, to lift this stay. 5. Because this order has been made by the court without considering representations from the parties, the parties have the right to apply to have the order set aside, varied or stayed. A party wishing to make an application must send or deliver the application to the Court together with any appropriate fee to arrive within seven days of service of this order. Therefore I'm guessing that my case has been stayed and I will not be required for court at Shrewsbury on the 24th September? I can't really claim the hardship aspect either, I've got my act together since accruing these Unfair charges! I presume I'll hear something afetr the test case? Do I need to do anything else? Or is it just a waiting game? Thanks again for all your help!
  2. It says that it is a case management conference, and I have to appear at 11am on the 24th September 2007! Sorry, that I'm continually asking questions! Just really not got a clue what is expected etc? Thanks once again!
  3. Saintly, Thanks very much for your help, please excuse my ignorance or stupidity, but to date I have only received a letter from the court notifying me of my court date, their is no mention of preparing a bundle/case, which I'm obviously doing, so do I just send it when I have completed it to the court and Barclays? I'm starting to see the clear water, just my brains slightly muddy!
  4. I've spent all morning reading links to this and that, and I'm more and more confused. Can anyone give me some direction, I've got my date for court, being the 24th September in Shrewsbury, I haven't started on my court bundle as I haven't got a clue what this should consist of, I haven't as yet sent anything to Barclays or the court, I didn't have to complete a AQ, or pay a fee, I believe this is due to my claim being under £1500? So i really am in limbo as to what I need to do next. I haven't got any Terms and conditions for barclays either. Begining to wish I'd taken their offer! HELP!
  5. Hi, All I'm in the throws of preparing my bundle, however I'm slightly concerned as I haven't received anything in relation to a deadline to submit my case papers? Also, can anyone help me in obtaining the terms and conditions for Barclays? I'm getting myselfg all in a muddle, and I only have today where i can realistically prepare! HELP! Thanks!
  6. Thanks again for the help, I will continue the struggle against the Bullying Banks!
  7. Hi all, I have just watched a disturbing clip on Channel 4 News in relation to the Banks suspending all claims until a test case has gone through court? Can anyone enlighten me on this? I ahve my court date for the 24th September 2007 in Shrewsbury? To date I've heard nothing from Barclays or the court? On a brighter note my sister has just managed to re-claim £2400 from Natwest! But that was before this bad news? Any advcie on where I should go from here? Thanks!
  8. Thought as much, sent several e-mails prior to receiving the court date, and no replies! I'll send one and then leave it until four weeks prior and try again! Just be good to get the money now! But thanks for your advice and support! Mind you do you ever sleep! Bookfair 1974!
  9. well, just thought I'd let everyone know on this great site that I have received my court date, the 24th September 2007! I'm going to try and get a settlement from the litigation team! Any advice before I do?
  10. Thanks for that Saintly 1! I will await the next stage then! I'm gutted mind, thought they'd forgotten about my defence and I could ask for a judgement to be made! I'm not bothered about the court aspect of it all, I just want my money back! Thanks again!
  11. Today was the final day that Barclays had to file a defence before i could enter a judgement! And guess what-yep, they have filed a defence! I have yet to see this defence, in fact I haven't heard anything from Barclays for ages, they haven't answered my numerous e-mails! I'm going to try one last time, the person handling my case is [NAME REMOVED], and she seems to be a bit slow! Any suggestions at what I should be doing now? Preparing a bundle? I'm waiting to hear from the court to find out where it will be heard! Any advice help will be greatly accepted!
  12. Hi all, been a few days since I lasted posted! I've sent Barclays, Charlotte actually, two e-mails, and to date not received any replies! I'm going to give it a third go, has anyone else dealt with [NAME REMOVED]? If so, is she always so slow?
  13. Penny,Fantastic News for you, I sent Charlotte all my default charge details including up to date Interest, yesterday via e-mail. I guess they must just be busy! With all us C.A.G people! I'll give them a couple of days, and send another one if I don't hear anything. Thanks for the support though! Dan:D
  14. Still no reply from Charlotte! I'll give her to the end of Tuesday, and then I'll e-mail her again! Anyone else got any experience at how long on average they take to answer your e-mail's?
  15. Just had a reply from Dino, only took him two minutes to tell me that [NAME REMOVED] is dealing with my case, he suggests I fax or e-mail her a list of the charges I'm claiming and any bank statements I have, as this will settle my claim quicker. Maybe useful tact for others at our stage of the game? Anyway off to e-mail Charlotte now!
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