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  1. OK, to update, this week I received a bill for £570 for 3 years water, I called them to arrange a payment plan, and the longest time they have offered me is 14 months to repay. Shouldn't I be able to pay back over 3 years?
  2. Thanks for the replies Pelham9, it's very much appreciated. There was a meter fitted, but it turns out the property was somehow not registered with Thames Water, despite me among other things, informing them in writing. Hence no bill.
  3. I didn't agree to it, the bloke who read the meter said that's what was happening, but I shall let them know I'm not happy with them using this method to work out the bill. It was new build, we were the first occupiers. A further complication is that it turns out the meters for the block are identified by the plot number and not the flat number. So they had to check some other flats too. I've read somewhere about the liability for bills in cases like this being limited to 1 or 2 years, is that right? And also that you have as long to pay it back as the length of the bill? i.e. in this case 3 years. Thanks dvoom
  4. Hello All. We moved into a new flat in July 2005, and we are in the process of moving, during which time it has come to light that we've never had a water bill, and Thames Water didn't know our address existed. So, they are investigating, and the meter was read this morning, and it will be read again next week, and they say they will work out 3 years bills from that. However, it's now the summer holidays, we look after another 2 children in the daytime, as well as our own 2, plus we've only had a dishwasher for the last year. Looks like it's going to be expensive. Any advice please? Thanks....
  5. I would like to propose that the parking ticket forum has sub-forums for the different parking companies, so that we can see what are the standard letters etc that they send out, for example I have an invoice from Euro Car Parks, it would be useful to have everything relating to them and controlaccount on one thread. What do you think?
  6. I was reading the UKPC sign on the estate where I live and I was interested to see that the terms of parking are to agree that the RK will get a ticket: http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa37/dvoom/ukpc.jpg Does it change anything?
  7. Hello all.. I've spent hours reading through all the advice, FAQ's etc, but I'm still a bit confused.. basically my defence will be RK not obliged to inform ecp of driver(I think), but I was hoping one of you nice people could advise me on the ticket, which was issued for overstaying a free period at a shopping centre car park. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa37/dvoom/pcn1.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa37/dvoom/pcn2.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa37/dvoom/pcn3.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa37/dvoom/pcn4.jpg Thanks...
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